Part 12

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With Tony

"Bye guys." And then he jumped out the window. WHAT. Is he crazy? I immediately get up and move my hand to call out my suit, but relax when I see it swinging on the way home. I look around and see that the others are not sitting either. I wonder where he lives or who he is. I thought for a second if it was a good idea to send drones after him or something. But if the person who exposed Cap twice in one night wants privacy, then fine.

"Well... I forgot that he can swing" Clint said in the silence that came. We sit back down.

"I like him '' We all look at Natasha in shock "What, I'm a human too. I like people''

"But she is right, i like him too"And now we turn to Bucky. He is cool and all, but these two need months to like someone and they like this kid in the first hour.

"Do you think he will ever show us who he is?''Wanda asks, now ignoring the stares to Nat and Bucky.

"Well maybe, but i think he lied about his age"

"What do you mean Nat"

"Pepper did you not see him how he tensed when we asked him the question. I'm expecting something around 15 or 16" She says the answer before someone can ask.

"But thats too young."Bruce look her in horror "He can get injured"

"Did you not see how he flipped Clint in seconds, or how he outwit Cap? Or how he takes care of this villain?"She gets angry.

"She is right. If he is 15 or 16 he can be amazing in his job in a few years"I said, still processing the new information.

"He already is"Pepper smiled at me and took my hand.

"Should we tell Fury?"The question all of us think. Should we really tell him about his age or his staying for dinner. Again, we all shut up, not knowing what to say or do.

"I think we should tell him. He will figure it out eventually, especially if the Spider is in the Tower often"Sam said. We agreed with him.

"FRIDAY tell Fury to come here"

After a long talk about him and what happened on the mission everyone looked at him, try to see his reaction. He thought for a second what should he answer us.

"Well good for you that you tell me.I still think he can be a good part of the Avengers"

"Fury this is just a kid."Steve said with surprised tone"He can get hurt"

"Did he get hurt when he beat you up?"He said annoyed,"Plus you are not sure if he is 16 and if he is, that doesn't matter. He is powerful and can be a serious threat if Hydra took him. Try to take his identity." We nod at him and he leaves. We look at each other and then stand up one by one to our bedrooms.

We chat with the kid a little and then I turn my phone off. Tomorrow is his first day at work. Maybe i can go meet the new interns and try to guess who he is. That sounds like a plan.

(Time skip to tomorrow)

With Peter

"Dude dude dude dude dude"

"Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned" I smile at my best friend, already knowing what was going to come.

"Today is your first day. Omg thats so cool. Do you think you will meet the Avengers or The Tony Stark? Flash is going to be so pissed when he heard about this"I froze. FLASH. If i tell him i got the internship he won't believe me and beat me up, because 'YoU sTuPid LiEinG OrPhAn'. If i tell him i didnt get the internship i will also get beaten up because' YoU StUpId OrPhAn'. But it will be worse if i tell him the truth.

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