Chapter eight-A new old light

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Thanks to all of you who took the time to read this story, I don't know why you even voted but thanks, I am glad to know you find the story interesting.

As the cloud's shadow passed the small field and let the moonlight shine, he, hidden among the trees, watched the field filled with tiny craters and cracks, tree trunks with holes and spirals on them, the cause of them was standing in the middle. The person was filled with scratches on his hands and face and had dust all over him. He put both hands in front of him, on the left and on the right, like he was holding a sphere. Indeed, a small sphere appeared in the middle and gradually became bigger. It wasn't a perfect sphere, it looked more like gusts of chakra contained together, moving in high speeds. It got to a point where the mix of energy became unstable and exploded, pushing the boy some meters back. From where he was, he saw the light of the chakra vanish and the blonde breathing heavily. Footsteps were heard behind the hidden person. From the crouched position he stood up, not looking away. "This is only the third night, right?" He asked. "Yes Jiraiya-sama." "And he has trained only on nighttime, not on the road?" "Yes, on the way here we are on watch for any intruder. How is he doing?"

"You can guess. I arrived on the second night, yesterday, and he has already made much improvement. If he wasn't on a mission and trained all day...." Jiraiya didn't finish the speculation. "He may have already gotten the hang of it." Yamato added. "Could he have learned it completely by the end of the seventh day?" "Even Tsunade would bet on that, and to add- she isn't really fond of the kid." Jiraiya answered. "Training aside, he really battled one of the swordsman of the mist?" "I helped and stood ready for any difficulty he could face, but Naruto did most of the job." "He is better than Minato at his age." 'Better than Hokage-sama?' "You said that he knows water style?" "Yes sir, he seemed to be pretty good at it." "There is probably more that he knows but is hiding, he showed that he knew water style because he was forced to. No, better to say that he sacrificed hiding water style to gain battle experience." "But now we know that... he knows a lot?" "You can't say that Yamato. So far he has made sure to show only what is expected of him. If there are other things to show."

"If I may Jiraiya-sama?" The Sage nodded. "What is all this interest about Naruto? He is vastly... disliked, but he knows how to protect himself from it. He is really good, he is the child of a Kage and a Famous and strong Kunoichi, but individuals like him appear all the time, for a reason or another. What makes Naruto stand out from people of his kind?" "As someone who has been trained and has trained such people I, myself, do not know, he seems just a little better." "A little?" "Ok, ok, his skills are much better but that is not a reason to put all the spies on him. He does his job, keeps to himself and doesn't get involved with others, as far as I know. It is only Minato's obsession. Was it me, or anyone else, they wouldn't bother."

"Hokage-sama said to keep the mission going?" "I told him to change it but Minato still kept you two on charge. Doesn't he realise what this mission has turned into?" ... Jiraiya got no answer. "Yamato?" "Jiraiya-sama, maybe Hokage-sama thinks that Naruto is the child of the prophecy?" "No Yamato, I can guarantee that the boy is not the one and Minato knows that." "You don't seem convinced, fine then. One of the many parts says that -They radiate love as naturally as the Sun gives us light (where is that from? )- Guess how many other parts contradict." "So we should just keep going like usual." "Minato said you two should continue the mission alone. As the boy requested. Anyways-" Jiraiya walked pass the wood style user "-I just hope you two can pull it off. It's state level matter now." "I think we will be able to pull it of." "Well, I did what I was ordered to, I checked on the situation of the mission, and the training. Now I send a messenger toad to Minato and-" and rubbing his hands together "- catch up with my research." He sounded too pleased with just the idea. "Nothing can fix you?" Yamato sighed. "He-he-he, No." 'We will see about that.'

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