Chapter thirteen-The wishes that fuel us

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Naruto and it's characters are owned by Masashi Kishimoto. Words: 4880

Yamato had his eyes closed, lying on the roof and listening to the sound of the low waves of the nighty sea accompanied by the dropped, relaxing sound volume from the same two chakra orbs which his student had been practicing with for some hours. Suddenly, a soft breeze picked up and he heard the chakra spheres placating until they completely stopped. Yamato, for some reason, thought Naruto hadn't halted because he was tired or because had done enough training. "Sensei.." The wind became chilly. The wood style user didn't need to hear any other word. "So they are on the way."


"Boy." Zabuza said, since there was practically just one person in front of them. "I take it you two are clones." "We should hurry." Haku said. "There may have been a third clone we need to catch up to. We need the element of surprise." "Haku-san, was it?" One clone broke their silence. "There is no need to rush, we'll still have our fight." "Yes, but with the real you Naruto-san." Haku took three senbons out, ready to attack. "You want to waste your reserves before fighting me Haku-san?" Both clones got kunais out ready to engage in battle. 'Sorry Naruto-san, but I've already seen you in action, you can't win.'

"You wont get me like last time kid. We'll deal with you quick and reach the other clone in time before he tells the original." The mist nin readied his knives. "Then get my sword back." "The same goes for you Zabuza-san, you should not use power. The wood style user is still there." Caution was never bad in the ice boy's mind. "I bet my sensei can take yours anytime." "Aren't you getting picky boy?" The mercenary glanced at his companion. "Haku, you can take them on, can't you?" "Yes, I wont hold back." "Good then, take care of them my tool, I'll wait."

Haku threw the senbons at their heads as he jumped above in the dark sky. Not wasting a moment, one of the clones threw one kunai at the needles and jumped to the ice style user. The other clone kept an eye on the swordless missing nin. 'He surely wont go full force against us.' In the rear of his vision the clone saw his other self get axe kicked by Haku and then fall back on the branch he was on originally. "You are clones after all, to think you were getting excited in fighting us." Zabuza wasn't too surprised, the kid was only genin after all. However.. 'I have this feeling at the back of my head I can't shake away.' Surely their safety didn't rely on a clone alone.

With Zabuza on one side and Haku on the other, they seemed as good as a fly in a jar. Haku took out another set of senbons. 'Surely they hadn't thought two clones could stall us for enough time for a third one to reach them.' In his head Zabuza was trying to guess the possibilities. 'There was no flare, no signal, there is no radio they are speaking to. Can they be using binoculars?' The clones seemed ready to fight. 'No, the forest is too dense and it is still dark. We need to destroy that clone before it reaches the village.' Zabuza locked eyes with his teammate/student, the moon poorly shining on them. 'Yes Zabuza-san.' Haku slightly nodded.

"I saw that you can do this too, Naruto-san." With one hand the black haired boy did an array of signs, while with the other threw the slim weapons at their feet. The clones were shocked, shocked in excitement actually. "Wind Release: Breakthrough." A gust of wind, not seriously strong, shot from the boy's mouth, pushing the clones off the branch straight at Zabuza, who on his side slashed with both kunais he was holding. The clones however proved to be sturdy as one dodged while the other blocked. Looking back they saw that Haku had used the jutsu to also propel his-self backwards. 'That's where the strength of the jutsu went.'

Not wasting another second Haku jumped from branch to branch with surprisingly much speed, getting away from them and in matter of moments, fading in the dark of the forest. One of the clones tck-ed. Immediately he made several hand signs and launched a big water wave, aiming to hit Zabuza. With seemingly no friction at all, Zabuza side-jumped as the jutsu turned the branch he was in into kindlings. "Not again brat." Using the bark of another tree he send himself at the clone with the kunais ready to cut it. As the clone saw the man in black get closer he shot another water stream to his bandage covered face. 'Why isn't the other one attacking?'

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