2 ; harry and ron's entrance

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"You're not telling me you did fly here?"

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"You're not telling me you did fly here?"

The end of summer vacation came too quickly for Liliana and Hermione's liking. They were looking forward to getting back to Hogwarts, but their summer had been amazing staying home with their parents. It was difficult to not feel slightly homesick once they would head off to school.

On their last evening, Mrs. Granger conjured up a sumptuous dinner that included all of the girls favorite things, ending with a mouthwatering yorkshire pudding (a scoop of ice cream on the side). Liliana rounded off the evening with Hermione; a display to their parents of a dramatic battle between a dragon and a warrior. They raced around the living room, falling dramatically every now and then for at least an hour. Then it was time for a final mug of hot chocolate and bed.


It took a long while to get started the next morning. They were up at dawn, but somehow they still seemed to have a great deal to do. Mrs. Granger dashed about in a bad mood looking for spare socks and shirts; Mr. Granger kept colliding with the girls on his way up and down the stairs, half-dressed with a slice of toast in his hand; and Liliana nearly broke her neck , tripping over Hermione's trunk as she tried exiting the house.

When at last they were all in the car, Mrs. Granger glanced into the back seat, where Hermione and Liliana were sitting, heads together, having a conversation about their busy morning.

"All set girls? Not forgetting anything before we head off right?" Mr. Granger asked, fixing his mirrors.

"All set," the two replied.

Mr. Granger started up the engine and they trundled out of the driveway, the girls turning back for a last look at their home. The two couldn't believe they were already leaving. The majority of the car ride was silent due to the early hours they had spent packing their things before their departure. After about 30 minutes of driving through the streets of London they had finally arrived at King's Cross station.

"Good to be back," said Liliana, heaving her trunk out of the car. "Dad, can you get us a trolley please?"

"Sure thing dear." He said, dashing off across the street to retrieve the trolley.

The four walked into the station, about an hour early. They took this time to just sit and talk for a bit before having to say good-bye. The girls stood up at half an hour to eleven, and bid their goodbyes to their parents, giving each a big hug before walking through platform 9¾.

It was just as Liliana had remembered it; a throng of children saying goodbye to their parents except this year there were new faces. The first years all looked excited and she couldn't help but think about the fact that she had felt that exact way a year ago. The girls walked towards the scarlet steam engine, pushing their trolleys along.

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