The Notebook

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"Wow Luna, your fast." Red said as we ran side by side through the dense forests.

I kept a few paces in front of him while we played cat and mouse. The thrill of the chase was the most exhilarating part of being a wolf, and for the first time since coming to the Crimson pack I felt free and alive.

"Holden told me about this spot by the lake, let's go." I mind linked to Red taking a sharp right east towards the clearing.

It was only a few hundred yards away and I could already hear the water just beyond the trees. As we came into the clearing I slowed my pace near the edge of the lake, allowing my paws to dampen on the pebbled beach. The sun was setting over the horizon allowing the pink sky to mirror like glass across the still lake.

Red and I sat on the waters edge, not speaking, just listening to the chirping and croaks of crickets and bull frogs. I took in a deep breath as I gazed at the beautiful surroundings. Red seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was, his eyes encapsulated on the serene view.

But just as I was enjoying the moment, a part of me felt guilty. In the back of my mind I thought of Holden, why wasn't I enjoying this with him?

"You see that?" Red suddenly diverted his attention across the lake.

His eyes were following a small black object, emitting a continuous buzzing noise. I didn't notice it until I looked in the same direction as him. It was pacing back and forth over the shoreline, it was not too far from us, but I could tell it was avoiding our direction. After a few seconds it was already gone and the buzzing slowly dissipated.

"Yes, uh-not sure what that was. A drone perhaps?" I suggested. "I never knew Holden used those for security."

"Seems unusual for Holden to use one, those are usually used for recon missions. We used to use them in my old pack..." Red replied.

"Umm, that reminds me -Red if you don't mind... I know you said you didn't like to talk about your old pack." I didn't want to push the subject of his past, but it was the only way for me to get closure.

"Luna, I know you want to know more about me. I could tell just by the way you look at me. If this will give you clarity on your dreams, I will gladly share with you. What do you want to know?" He asked.

"Red, I really appreciate it... I know how the past can be hard to relive, but I must find out more. I need to know where you come from. The more information the better. The tattoos on your body... They haunt my dreams."

"Seems like a simple question, but trauma can make even the simple questions hard... Well, I can first start by telling you that I am from the Fenrir pack."

"Fenrir? How come I haven't heard of them?" I questioned.

"Because that's the way we live, hidden from the world. We live for fighting and combat. We start training at a young age and until the day we die. This is what our tattoos represent, they represent our accomplishments in combat." He answered back.

"How did you become a rogue?" I didn't want to ask him, but I needed to know more.

I could tell the question hit a soft spot, a wolf's only way to live is in a pack and without belonging to one, is death itself. His head lowered as he hesitantly answered the question.

"I contested for the Alpha title..."

"Oh..." I replied.

"And I failed... Once our Alpha died, his son took his title and I challenged him for it. When I lost, instead of killing me... he banished me."

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