It's a Trap!

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We climbed down three more floors to the twenty first and not a soul was seen. There were countless empty beds, and rooms, clearly evacuated from previous patients. Remnants of patients' belongings littered each floor, telling Adam and I that everyone left in such a rush they never had the time to pick up anything. Purses, bags, clothes, and even food trays were left to turn cold.

I wondered if this was all Holden's doing. Did he really evacuate an entire hospital for Diana?

"There's something wrong, it's too quiet, and not a word from Eric or Aaron." Adam was losing his patience, kicking a tray full of fruit and soup to splatter across the empty hallway.

I followed a rogue cherry that travelled near my foot, then looked backed to Adam who was breathing heavily. "We still need to be sharp, don't lose your cool. We're getting closer, I can smell her."

"I can too... I just don't understand why this entire building is empty."

Among all the fruit Adam knocked over, there was something that caught my attention. I picked it up and realized it was an empty shell casing. It was out of place considering that there were no signs of bodily injury, and as far as I could tell, every floor we explored so far has looked normal apart from no signs of life.

I inhaled the metal casing, closely holding it up to my nostril. It was fresh, and the metal was warm, which meant that we weren't far off.

"Was someone shot you think?" Adam looked over my shoulder to the shell casing that I was examining.

"No." I threw the piece of metal to the ground and kicked it away. "It was a warning shot." I looked up to the ceiling to see a bullet hole, not much the size of a penny.


"Of course, I can smell it all around us. He knew we were coming."

"Then where the fuck is he?"

"Damian? You there?" Eric's voice suddenly entered my mind.

"Eric?!" I paced the hallway by the elevator entrance in a panic. "Where the fuck have you been?! I thought you were dead."

"I'm sorry... I went back for Loki... Long story that I can tell you afterwards because we need to get out of this building ASAP. I don't know how Holden managed to get a call out, but he has reinforcements enroute from his territory, and I'm afraid if we don't vacate in twelve minutes we will be completely surrounded."

"How is this possible? Where the hell is Aaron? Did you at least send him up in our direction to find her? We are on the twenty first floor, working our way down." I replied.

"I sent him up to find her before I left to get Loki...." There was a short pause then he continued, "Damian... She's located on the twentieth floor. The comms are down, so I haven't spoken to him yet, but I'm sure he is getting close to finding her, just as you are."

I looked over to Adam and anchored my eyes down, "Holden must be with her then."

"The cameras are damaged on that particular floor, and he's no where else in the building, so I'm sure your right."

I nodded to Adam, then looked to the stairwell door nearby.

"I'll meet you on the main floor lobby, prepare the men to evacuate."


Climbing down the one flight of stairs felt like an eternity. I couldn't wait to set eyes on her, but something in the pit of my stomach wasn't sitting right.

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