Last Day on Earth: Part 2

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My heart was racing, never in my life I have been afraid to approach her. Ever since the day we met, I always felt our connection. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced, and we both knew instantly we were meant to be together forever.

She was fast asleep in one of the spare bedrooms in the pack house. I creeped into her room quietly, hoping not to wake her. She looked so small in the king-sized bed. She was turned to the side, her arms were tucked in, and her hair was tousled to the side.

I never thought I would get the chance to see her again. I wanted to say goodbye. It was all that I wanted right now. Just to hear her voice would bring sparks to my blank mind.

I stood over her silently, watching her chest rise and fall. Her breathing was soft and steady, like she was in a deep sleep. I put my hand out and hovered it over her body. I wanted to touch her, and I wanted to pretend like nothing was wrong and just enjoy the moment, but maybe I was being selfish. I couldn't hurt her any longer. I had to let myself go. I had no place here, and I had no business messing with her emotions. I made my choices, and now I was paying for it.

I got down to my knees on her bed side. "I love you H," I whispered softly. "I'll find you again in the after life." I was so close to touching her, but she already accepted my fate. Maybe she thought I was already dead, all the more reason not to wake her. I couldn't pull her back into the mess I was in.

I was mere inches away from her exposed neck. The heat, her smell, the way her skin glistened in the early morning sun was almost a dream like experience. I never thought I would get a chance to see her again, but here I was.

I couldn't help to give her one last kiss.

I leaned in and softly placed my lips on the side of her cheek, trying my best not to wake her. This was the last time I would see her alive, and I didn't want to let go. All the sparks, they never left, it was like I was kissing her for the first time. I still remember the night. It felt like an eternity ago, and all the memories started to flood in.

I remember the time we first met like it was yesterday.

When she was training new recruits, I always wanted to help her, but she was too stubborn to accept the help. She was always independent and refused to show anyone that she needed anything. That's what I admired so much about her.

She always used to avoid me while we had our warrior meetings, and I always wondered why, then I realized after. She was dating Eric at the time, but there were sparks between us that she couldn't ignore. I always tried my best to talk to her, but he was always there to stop it.

But there was no stopping fate. We were destined to be together. Whether it was in this life, or the next.

One day after a long shift of training recruits, Eric left early with Damian to a meeting, and he left us to clean up the training area. She was quiet the entire time of cleaning, refusing to look me in the eye, but that's when we reached for the same fight pad.

Once our hands touched, there was no looking back. Our eyes locked, watching each other like we were aliens discovering a new planet. I would never forget the sensations.

The way the blood rushed to her face.

The way her hand tightened around mine.

The way she leaned into me like we were two magnets that couldn't be pulled away.

"How could I deny this," she whispered.

"I've been waiting for this moment since the day we met," I whispered back.

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