Tears Come From The Heart, And Not From The Brain

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I've been out of the house for three days and I can say. It's been the worst three days of my life. Not being with Elijah just reminds me of how alone I was before I met him, it's really lonely. Just walking for miles trying to find a place to stay. A barn, a broken down shack. Anything out here I can find. It's not hot, or cold. I'm just really tired. I've been walking for 3 days and only have limited food and water left. I remember packing everything I need for 2 days. Thinking I would get there in time, but I didn't. "There has to be something, we are in a public place. Where is everyone?" I asked myself. I had been walking today for 3 hours, and I haven't seen a single person, nor car drive by. Something was up, did the town get sick? Did they leave like my parents did? Was there never anyone here at all? All the people i imagined there being, was it something I wanted to see that I never would ever really see? Or was it something that was said to have been seen but never was really seen? Wait, if it never existed then, how will I know where to go? Am I gonna.. Gonna, die out here? No, I'm a survivor. I always survive. I mean, I survived a bear trap and a bunny trap thrashing into my leg. Which would have been fatal, but yet, Here Iam, still walking on my bad leg.

"I have to keep going" I told myself "If only Lijah was here, I wish he was. I have to do this, I have to find out what happened".

As I walked, I began to realize that my vision was fuzzy and I was losing my balance quickly. The next thing I know, I had to sit down. I heard a truck coming, but I convinced myself I was dreaming, or hearing things. But as I saw the headlights come closer, I realized, It actually is someone. But before I could get their attention, everything went black. I'm guessing I blacked out. I don't know how, but I woke up and I was in the van. And there was a man and a woman and two older teens. Which I'm guessing are their kids in the back seat. As we pulled up to this nice and bright house, the driver, which I'm guessing is the father looked over at me. "Hey, you're awake, how are you feeling?" He asked softly, "Um.. My head is still fuzzy,how did I get here?" I asked "We picked you up sweetie" Someone replied from the back. It was an older woman, guessing that's the mother of these teens. "We were driving by and saw you collapse, we weren't just gonna leave a young girl like you on the side of the road" She replied "How long have you been out here?" She asked "I'm not sure, 3 days, maybe two in a half" I replied "Oh, well where are you headed?" The man asked "I'm not sure, I'm kinda.. Um" I stuttered. "Kinda what, honey?" She asked "Kinda an orphan" I answered "Oh well, did you cook from an orphanage?" He asked "No, I was abandoned at a young age. I live in a house just at the back of the woods, out of sight" I explained "The Woods!! Honey, the woods are miles and miles away" She exclaimed "I kinda have a house that I live in with my boyfriend" I added "Oh, do you want us to take you back?" The man asked "NO! No, I sort of broke up with him. But..." I stopped again "Honey, go on. What are you going to say?" She asked " Do you have a phone, out here or inside?" I asked timidly "Yes of course! Here you go" The man handed me a phone and I dialed a number and I was calling Elijah. 

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