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Mia's POV


A gasp of shock bursts from my mouth as pain fills my head, more than a headache. Like someone is trying to shove something into a drawer not big enough for it. The pain starts at the base of my neck, traveling up until my whole skull is pounding.

"El," I gasp out, staggering. I blink back tears that prick at my eyes. Elanil turns, pushing back through the elves around us and lifting my hunched body straight again.

"What is it?" She asks, her voice frantic and breathless. She scans my body for any visible injuries. I open my mouth to reply, but a wave of searing, white hot pain goes off like a bomb in my skull. This is different than the pain of punches or kicks or cuts. This feels like someone is pinching my nervous system, prodding my brain. I scream, grabbing at my head, probably getting blood in my hair. Tears swim in my eyes and dark spots dance like stars in my vision. I blink rapidly, stumbling to my feet and letting El support most of my weight as we run- or, as close as I can get to run- to the castle, which is now in sight.

The edges of my vision darken, the pain easing for a second. I grit my teeth, pushing back the darkness. I can't faint now. More pain drills my brain, and for a second I think I might pass out. I feel alive with the sharp feeling, yet my mind is fuzzy in the haze of agony. It's an odd combination of senses.

"My head," I gasp, letting out a sob. My knife is back in its holster, one of my arms is wrapped around El's shoulders, the other used so I can press my hand to my head. Like that'll do anything.

What is wrong with me?

Warm air hits me like a wall as we finally reach the inside of the castle, but I can't make out anything. Everything looks unfocused, like I'm seeing triple vision of fuzzy images.

"Just- Take deep breaths, deep breaths," Elanil says, her voice strained. I roll with her advice and try to take deep breaths. I feel weird. Well, that's an incredible understatement. When I breathe out I can literally feel my blood flowing through my body, including seeping out of the wound in my hand. It's the oddest sensation.

The pain continues steadily, coming in waves that make me groan as El helps me into what I think is the throne room. I hear faint voices, and see two, or maybe three figures. I recognize Rose and Knox. I see the figure of Knox run up to us, his voice ricocheting in my brain.

"What's wrong with her?" He says, his voice just as frantic as El, nearly breaking.

What do you want, brain? I ask myself. When was the last time weird things like this happened?

A moment later it clicks in my half-aware brain.

I'm having- or going to have- a vision.

The minute the thought pops up another wave of nauseous pain slams me, and my arm falls weak around El. I try to stifle another scream by clamping my mouth shut as I fall- or, I would've fallen, if someone hadn't caught me and picked me up bridal style. Knox. The smell of cedar wood and fresh air fills me, and for a second the pain fades to a manageable amount. I don't need to hold onto him to stay up- He has me safe in his arms, so I press my palms to my temples as hot tears run down my face. By now I've ditched the deep breaths, taking fast, shallow ones. I can't seem to focus enough to take a deep breath.

"Where's Andor?" I hear Rose's strained voice faintly.

"I don't know," Knox replies. "Why are the Cin here?" He pauses and I let out another cry as an agonizing pain throbs in my head, like someone is stabbing at my skull. I feel his arms tighten around me. "Nevermind, how can we help Mia?" His voice makes it sound like he's in just as much pain as I am.

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