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Mia's POV


Last night I had a good dream. I don't exactly remember what, but can feel it as I slowly wake up.

My eyes squint open, and the room is still surprisingly dark. I shift so I can see the window, the sound of the sheets ruffling loud in the stillness. It looks like early dawn.

Ugh. Why can't I just sleep in?

I roll back over, and am almost surprised when I see Knox. Then last night comes rushing back, and I can't help the spike of my heartbeat. Knox's toned back is to me, but he suddenly shifts to face me. I feel his fingers brush my hip. My breath catches, and I realize that his eyes are open too. I sigh and sink back into the bed, smoothing my hand on his cheek. Even now, when he's just woken up, he's perfect.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I whisper, covering my mouth as a yawn comes out.

"No, I woke up too." Knox whispers back, smiling a little, his eyelids still heavy from sleep. "I'm not getting up."

"Oh yeah, no," I reply, smiling. "I'm going back to bed."

Half asleep, I give Knox a quick kiss on the cheek and turn over, closing my eyes. I'm vaguely aware of the feeling of his arm draping over my waist before I'm out again.


This time when I wake up it's actually a decent hour. My guess is about 10am, since I have to squint like crazy when my eyes first open.

A sigh from behind me tells me that Knox is awake too.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks, voice a bit hoarse from sleep.

"Like 5 minutes," I reply, turning to face him. "You?"

"Just now," he says, squinting adorably and shielding his eyes from the curtained windows.

I let my gaze linger on his face for a moment before eyeing the door. I try not to frown.

"I know," Knox says, placing a warm hand on my arm. "I don't want to either."

I smile. "I should probably train a bit today. I haven't really fought in a while."

Knox nods. "Mind if I join you?"

"Yeah, sure. Elanil is probably going to be there too. Maybe Flint or Hal."

"Great," Knox yawns, propping himself up on one elbow. His blond hair falls smoothly off his shoulder. "When you're done fighting with El just call me over. I can show you some good war tricks I've picked up on."

"Okay," I reply, eagerness starting to build at that thought. I would love to learn something new. I also can't wait to try to take down Knox.

"Maybe I can finally beat you in a spar," I muse, looking back at Knox. His eyes glint mischievously. He shrugs and pulls a nonchalant face.

"We'll see about that."

Smirking, I silently reach behind me, my hand feeling around on a desk next to the bed. When I feel my fingers close silently around the hilt of Knox's dagger, I spin to action. As fast as I can, I pin his arms down with my knees and arrange myself perfectly on top of him like I was taught, until he can't escape. I let the tip of the dagger barely touch the bare skin of his chest, right where his heart is. Through the curtain of my hair, Knox gives me a surprised, then appraising look. The gleam in his eyes has intensified.

"Not bad," he breathes, resting his head back on the pillow, his hair spilling around him. The look he gives me makes my stomach twist.

"What?" I ask teasingly.

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