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Mia's POV


Instincts- Ones I trained for and some I didn't know I'd uncovered yet- take over as the arrow zips towards me. I dive to the ground, somersaulting as the arrow whizzes right above me. I finish my roll and bounce effortlessly to my feet, my adrenaline fading. Eyes wide, I look at El. She's smiling. Smiling!

"What the hell!" I screech, turning my head to see the arrow lodged dead center in one of the targets at the end of the shooting range.

"Just an intro to weapons training. Today we'll be working with archery. First how to wield bows and arrows, then how to defend yourself against them."

"You almost killed me!"

"Oh, I knew you would get out of the way. It's in your blood, remember? You have a leg up on other newbies. Your dad was incredible at fighting."

"Weapon fighting too?" I'm still little breathless from my near miss.

"Of course," Elanil replies, like it's most obvious thing in the world.

"What if it had hit me?"

"First of all, it wouldn't have. Second of all, we have magic healing stuff, remember?"

I roll my eyes. "Yea, I remember. But you can't exactly save me from the brink of death with some stitches."

El make a 'eh' face. "True, we can't save anyone from death, but bad injuries? Yes. Smaller injuries we let heal naturally, though."

"Wh- Okay, why can't you heal small cuts? And- Wait. Are there often... Near death experiences in training?" I feel a little fear creep into my system. Elanil must see it, because she shakes her head quickly.

"No, not usually. It's only happened a few times, when kids were being stupid or messed up really bad. And, to answer your other question, the Queen doesn't use that kind of healing often because she wants us to be able to deal with pain. If we can't handle a little pain in training, we're never going to survive in war."

I look back to the arrow lodged in the target, perfectly in the middle, then back at El.

"Are you always at war or something?"

"No, but we have to always be ready for one."


After warming up like always, Elanil has me choose a bow to work with. There are so many types, it takes me a minute to choose one that feels right. I eventually choose a dark oak bow with a simple curve. The bow itself is carved in fine detail- swirly patterns decorate the grip, with carvings of what look like branches scale up the rest of the wood in a beautiful network. Tiny little emeralds are embedded here and there, so they don't stick out but are noticeable and gorgeous. The string is thick, and when I pull it back it takes considerable effort. These are classic bows- no double strings, no fancy wheels or gadgets like the ones on Earth.

"This is hard to pull," I say through gritted teeth as I pull the string back how Elanil taught me to, my fingers hurting already and my arm starting to shake in exertion.

"Meaning they're powerful. It's okay, you'll get the hang of it. And don't worry about your fingers. It hurts at first, but you build up an immunity to it. And they'll never get all gross and calloused, don't worry."

I drop the string with a sigh, whistling at how tired my arm already is. Elanil smiles, walking over to the 100 yard long firing range. I follow her.

"Here." She hands me a sheath of obsidian tipped arrows with white feathers on the end. I loop it around my back the way Elanil showed me.

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