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Mia's POV


Comfort sweeps through me like a feather-light touch. When I open my eyes, I remember where I am and sink back into the covers, sighing. I swear I haven't felt this relaxed in forever.

I guess I fall back asleep because when I open my eyes next the sun isn't streaking through the windows, but seeping through the curtains from up above. It must be around noon.

I immediately sit up, not wanting to fall back asleep. Knox is gone, but as I pay more attention to the room I pick up on the sound of the shower running behind the bathroom door. With a yawn, I climb off the bed and make it neat, then I decide to start the fire in Knox's fireplace and open the curtains to let in the beautiful sunlight.

Just as I'm starting the fire I hear the bathroom door open and Knox walks out, dressed in a simple white tunic, hair loose and damp, framing his face in blond strands. His smile lights up the room even more.

"Hey," he says casually, coming to sit on the couch with me.

"How are you?" I should've known that would be the first thing he asked. I take a minute to assess. My leg barely hurts, and- wait. It takes me a minute, but I realize with shock that I hadn't thought about the past week since he asked me. And, when I think about it, it doesn't make my chest tighten or anything like it did last night.

"I... I feel normal," I say, the surprise clear in my voice. "Or, more normal than I thought, anyway. The whole thing almost feels like a bad dream now, or a memory from a long time ago... Not as painful... Huh."

Knox's face relaxes like he's relieved. I scrunch my eyebrows at him. "What?"

"Well," he starts, and I can't help but smile at the small smile he's unable to contain as he speaks. "You know how elves are connected to nature more than any other creature, right?" I nod. "There's a saying that nature heals. Since we're so closely connected with nature, that means it can help heal us. In any way."

"Oh," I blink, nodding. "That's cool."

Knox laughs at the bluntness of my statement, nodding. "Well, in all seriousness, I'm glad you're okay. Really glad."

I nod, obviously in agreement.

"So," I say, standing and heading for the door, "I'm going to get dressed and go to the hospital to get my leg checked out. I'll meet you in an hour..? We could have lunch at the library for old times sake."

"Sounds good," Knox replies, smiling, before heading into the bathroom again, steps silent.


The hospital only kept me there for half an hour, and in that half hour they cleaned the wound better, stitched it with some fancy elven stitches, and put on some cream that's even better than Vyn's. By the time I get to the library my leg doesn't even hurt when I walk.

The library hasn't changed one bit, and I'm glad. It has the same coziness it always had, even though the outside isn't as cold in contrast to inside as it was when I first came to Earthe.

"Okay," Knox says as soon as we're settled into a small booth by a fireplace. "Let's catch each other up."

I nod. "Sure. You go first."

I subconsciously chew on the inside of my cheek in worry. I haven't told Knox about his dad yet. I mean, how are you supposed to tell someone that their dad- who they think is probably dead- is alive and in the hands of the enemy? And, worst, that I had a chance to get him out and left him.

Knox's voice joins the low chorus of other voices in the small cafe area. I let all the activity sink into me. It feels good to be out in a public place, with activity and talking and joy.

✧The Earthe of the Elves✧Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang