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Mia's POV


The next morning I head to training again, excited. Today is our last day for now of hand-to-hand combat. Since today is Friday I get the weekend off, but the next week I'll be starting weapons training with Elanil. I'm also pepped up because it's Friday. And no matter what world you're in, everyone looks forward to Friday.

"Morning!" Elanil sings when she sees me. I beam and wave, heading over the track to the combat mats.

"Well don't you look pretty. I bet you used some of our shampoo last night?"

I nod at Elanil's remark. I feel super clean still, and my hair is silky and soft, coming down to my shoulder blades now. I also chose a cream colored, flowy skirt with a fitted, forest green top that has long, loose sleeves made of see-through material.

"Yes! It's so amazing!" I've already pulled half of my hair up into a dutch braid, but I still can't stop running my fingers through the hair still hanging down. Elanil makes small talk for a few more minutes before she's ready for business. I am too.


Three hours of fighting later and training is over for the day. I feel pretty good, a lot less tired than I was after training a few days ago. I'm barely sweating, but I am breathing hard when we finish. It frustrates the hell out of me at how effortless El and every other elf make fighting look. By the end of our session El hasn't even broken a sweat. she isn't even breathing hard. But I tell myself to chill out, reminding myself that I'll get there soon. My elf abilities are still kicking in.

"Good job today," El says, grabbing her water bottle and heading to the entrance of the training center with me.

"Thanks," I reply, smiling.

"Hey, wanna jog to the palace? I'm not exactly tired and I want to get my workout over with now."

"Yeah, I noticed," I grumble, but El can tell I'm just joking. "How about the library? I want to stop there and get lunch."

"Sure, I'll need to get going though, but I can drop you off there."

"Wait- But, three miles after three hours of fighting?" I ask incredulously.

Elanil looks at me with a 'I'm going whether you are or not' look, so I figure I'll go along with it.


Jogging back actually isn't that bad, even with a long skirt and a cloak. The sun is out today, meaning the raw winter chill is dampened by the warmth of the sun. I end up taking off my cloak and draping it over my arm halfway through our jog. Elanil sets a good pace, but it actually feels pretty good. I haven't gone on a good, long run in a while, and it feels very refreshing.

By the time we reach the library I'm sweating, even though my hands are freezing. My legs are also tired, feeling a little like jello. In true cross country style, I pull my cloak over my mouth to allow myself to breathe in some warm air, instead of the cold winter air that has been freezing my lungs for a few miles. El is just a little out of breath, her cheeks rosy from the cold.

I let out a long breath, looking back at El.

"Thanks," El says.

"Yeah, that was actually fun."

"Right? Have a good lunch, see you tomorrow."

I'm turning towards the library tree to head in when a sudden piercing shriek fills the air. I whip around and cover my ears, searching for the source. The noise seems to be coming from everywhere. It's a screeching, very un-elf like noise that sounds an awful lot like a siren. El catches my eye and she comes running back to me. It's when I see her face, the nerves etched into her features, that I begin to feel uneasy.

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