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Aaliyah's P.O.V

I heard a the doorbell ring through the house which surprised me. I wasn't expecting anyone and I knew I was picking Hope up for our date. I finished buttoning up my shirt before walking towards the front door. My heels clicked against my flooring as I neared. I opened the door and raised my eyebrow.

"What are you doing here?" I asked impatiently, keeping my hand securely on the door handle.

"I told you it wasn't over," she shrugged, shoving her way past me into my house.

"You can't just come here and barge your way into my house," I scolded, turning around to face her as she traced her finger along my cabinet that housed all of my liquor.

"Is that so?" She questioned, her accent still thick.

"Yes, now leave," I demanded, raising my tone. I watched as she smirked at me, walking closer. I felt my grip tighten on the door handle but remained composed as she stood directly in front of me. Her perfume was intoxicating my senses and it was very hard to control myself from not coughing as it got stuck in my throat.

"You don't want me to leave Aaliyah," she spoke flirtatiously, her hand reached towards my hip, "otherwise you would've thrown me out by now," she continued, her hand tracing it's way up my torso towards my neck.

"What do you want Angelina?" I questioned, keeping my expression neutral as her brown eyes found mine.

"You know what I want and I know what you want," she smirked, her hand sitting against my collarbone.

"I feel as though we may be on different pages," I replied, using my other hand to pull hers away from me.

"What do you even see in that girl?" She signed, her eyes searching mine.

"Everything I don't see in you," I replied, earning a hard glare.

"She's literally a child Aaliyah," she scoffed, "you're nearly ten years older than her and you expect to what? Fall helplessly in love and start a family with her? She can't even form a coherent sentence without stuttering," she laughed bitterly. I could feel my hand tighten beside me at her poor words towards Hope.

"Age is but a number when you love someone," I replied, my voice strained from holding myself back from kicking her ass out of my house and back to Rome.

"Love?" She scoffed, "we both know that that stupid girl has never been your type and quite frankly she never will be,"

"Hope is anything but stupid," I replied, standing up straight so I was closer to Angelina. I listened as her breath hitched with my face practically in hers, "I advise you leave before I make you regret walking into my home and disrespecting Hope," I spoke quietly, anger fuelling my veins. I watched as Angelina squinted her eyes at me. Without a second warning, she had pulled me forcefully into her, our lips connecting. Her hands gripped my face, holding me against her as my hands tried to shove her off of me.

"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled, finally pushing her away from me. Angelina stumbled back, her lips parted slightly.

"You can't tell me what we had in Rome was a one night stand," she breathed angrily, stepping back towards me.

"It was, now leave before I kick your ass so hard you go back," I threatened, feeling my body heat up with range. Angelina laughed coldly, shaking her head at me.

"You're sexy when you're mad, especially in bed," she shrugged, standing inches from me, "sooner or later you will realise that Hope is too young and just too boring for your liking," she spoke quietly, "you two won't last," were her final words before she strutted out of my house, slamming the door behind herself. I groaned in rage, hitting my fist against the wall as I rested my forehead against it. My fist throbbed from the sudden pain but I couldn't help but feel numb at the comments she had made.

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