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Aaliyah's P.O.V

I made it back to the hotel late last night and was as quiet as I could be because I assumed Hope was sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. This morning I had awoken with a slight headache which I knew immediately was from a large amount of wine I had indulged when talking with Angelina. Or maybe I was dehydrated from the activities of last night. It was probably a mixture of both. I climbed out of bed and made my way towards the bathroom that was connected to my room and when I flicked on the light I saw a big deep hickey on my neck. I groaned, rolling my eyes at Angelina who had left that there. But the other side of me smiled because of how it got there. Since being with Bradley I hadn't had sex in a long time. The last time was probably a couple of times after we had our break but it didn't take Bradley long to sleep around so from then on I had denied him of sex because I knew my worth and he did not deserve me in that way. During that break, I found myself mainly sleeping with women. I had never indulged in a relationship with another woman and I didn't know if that was something I would invest in. There was something about Hope, however. When I usually saw women, I saw them as a sexual conquest and nothing more but with Hope, it was as if I wanted to treat her differently. It was as if I wanted to prolong things and try new things which was new to me. And I didn't know if these new thoughts were a good thing or a bad thing considering she was my assistant. 

When I had finished my shower I changed into my business attire for today. I slipped on my navy blue slacks and white button-down shirt, making sure to tuck it in as I normally did. I applied a light coat of makeup over my neck to hide the bruise and some signs of stress I was showcasing from ageing and running this business. I went back into my room, checking the time on my watch as I slipped on my wingtips for something different, and grabbed my navy blazer before heading out into the main area. I looked at the kitchen counter to see Hope already standing there with her hands around what I assumed to be a coffee.

"I made you one, thought it would be nice instead of buying coffee every morning," she spoke quietly, gesturing to the cup that was beside her on the bench.

"Thank you, Hope," I smiled, making my way around the counter to grab the coffee. Without heels on I still towered over Hope but I didn't need to look as far down to look into her eyes. I admired her outfit she was wearing today. She had black high waisted slacks on and a loose white blouse. I was so used to seeing Hope in skirts and dresses at work so it was nice to see her in similar attire to myself, even though Hope could pull anything off and still look professional and attractive.

"What did you get up to yesterday?" I asked her, leaning on the counter behind her. She turned around, copying my position on the other counter. She tapped her cup with her fingers before speaking. 

"I just went to the tourist place to plan out the week for things to do," she shrugged.

"What are you up to this evening then?" I asked, wanting to know where she was going to be because I was curious. 

"I'm visiting the Trevi Fountain tonight," she smiled. I smiled, nodding at her.

"What did you get up to last night, I heard you come back pretty late," she asked, furrowing her eyebrows slightly.

"I was at a bar taking a moment to distress from work-related things," I replied, taking a sip of coffee.

"If you wanted to come with me tonight you can," hope suggested, her cheeks ringing slightly, "I mean its a better alternative to drinking stress away," she added which caused me to laugh.

"I'll see how I go with my end of paperwork first and let you know,"

"Okay," she nodded, taking a sip of her coffee.

Mrs. InezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang