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Aaliyah's P.O.V

I stirred awake as the early morning sun carefully peeked through my blinds, shining annoyingly into my eyes. I squinted my eyes, trying to wake myself up as I quickly realised I was cuddling Hope from behind. I was spooned behind her as my arm held her securely into me. Her breathing was slow and I couldn't help but admire the freckles dancing along her skin.

I glanced at the clock on the bedside table and was relieved the sun had woken me up because I forgot to set my alarm for work this morning. I was so caught up with Hope last night I forgot it was only the start of the week. There was a part of me that didn't even want to go into work today. All I wanted to do was lay here with Hope. I didn't want to wake her because she looked so peaceful but I knew she would need to get ready for work also.

I carefully moved my arm from around her waist, letting my fingertips trace across her bare arm that held mine loosely. I could feel her bare legs against mine. I was shocked she wore just my T-shirt to bed. Every inch of me wanted to just run my hands up her legs and do more than just kiss, but I resisted the urge because she wasn't just a hookup. I actually cared for her and wanted to wait for her. As she grew more confident and teased me more I knew there was going to be a time that I wouldn't be able to control myself. I just hoped she was ready when that happened. 

I felt her stir below me when my lips carefully grazed her cheek a couple of times, moving towards her ear. I moved back slightly when her dark green eyes flickered open and found mine. I couldn't help but notice how my heart stuttered slightly. She was simply gorgeous.

"Morning," I smiled, leaning up on my elbow to enjoy the view I was having this morning. 

"Morning," she mumbled in a sleepy tone which for some reason instantly made my body grow hot. I sucked my bottom lip in, trying not to show how much her raspy voice effected me. 

"It's just after six," I explained, my fingers tracing along her arm. She groaned in response, closing her eyes again. I couldn't help but admire how adorable she was being this morning. I thought she would've been a morning person working for me but maybe I was wrong. 

"You have to get ready for work," I spoke softly, watching her open one eye to squint at me.

"Maybe I should tell my boss I'm sick," she mumbled, her cheeks blushing.

"Is that so?" I played along.

"I haven't called in sick once, plus I haven't missed a day,"

"That is very convincing I'm sure she'd let you have the day off,"

"Really?" Hope asked, opening her torher eye.

"I mean I've heard that she really likes you," I spoke flirtatiously, earning a deeper blush from her.

"She does?" She asked, moving some of the hair away from her eyes.

"From what I've heard," I smirked, "but I'm sure she'd feel slightly upset if one of her favourite workers didn't show," I added, causing Hope's mouth to hang open slightly as if trying to comprehend something to say back. I shook my head, chuckling softly as I gripped under her chin so I could lean down and kiss her lips. It was a quick peck but I couldn't help but lose my breath slightly. Although Hope wasn't experienced, she was a very good kisser. 

"I-I sorry I might have morning breath," she panicked, rolling into me so she could hide her blushing face from me. 

"I probably do too Hope, but nothing could stop me from kissing you," I whispered the last part, pulling her onto her back so I could lay slightly on her. I watched as she visibly gulped, her eyes searching mine as I smirked down at her. I slowly leaned in, teasing her as I pressed my lips to the corner of her mouth. I heard her let out a shaky breath as I pulled away, smirking victoriously. I went to get up but was surprised when Hope pulled me by my bra strap to bring our lips together. We knocked heads but that didn't stop our lips from moving moving sensually together. 

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