Chapter 16: The Invitation from Mr. Hunk. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

I was sitting in one of my classes, listening to the professor as he continued with the lecture. Studying was the last thing on my mind. Adam had cemented himself into my mind, driving me nuts. For the last couple of weeks, things continued as normal, no incidents to speak of, or fights breaking out between the mutts from the pack and me. For that, I was grateful. I was busy drafting a diagram when I sensed eyes on me. Through my peripheral vision, I caught Adam staring at me. What a creep. He had been doing it for a while now. What was his problem?

"Maybe he's checking you out?" Fenrus mumbled.

I scratched the corner of my eye. "Well, it's fuckin' creepy. He needs to get another hobby." Just as I glanced over at him, he returned his gaze to his book. Real smooth, dude.

"Oh, give the guy a break."

"I don't have to. And besides, stop sticking your ass into the air every time we talk about him. As if I'd allow him near my ass anytime soon." I scratched out another mistake. I grumbled under my breath. At this rate it was futile to continue.

"So you thought about—"

With a repetitive clinging sound filling the classroom, the bell drowned out Fenrus' words. I got up from my seat, gathered up my belongings and headed for the exit.

"No, I didn't." I slung my backpack over my left shoulder.

Fenrus' laugh echoed around my skull. "Really? What was the wet dream about last night then? You nearly came in your briefs—"

"STOP!" hissed I while stepping out into the hallway, right into Maisie, Adam's beta.

My stomach dropped as her neatly plugged eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine." I twisted around and barreled down the hallway toward the library before I shot my other foot to pieces.

"Thanks, you idiot. Now she'll think I'm crazy." I huffed.

"Sorry, my bad."

I stole a glance back at Maisie, only to see her whisper into the ear of Adam. Just great. Why did I have to be such a klutz? I mean, Maisie was one of the few werewolves I didn't find obnoxious. I actually liked her. We spoke several times before and she was a really pleasant girl with a good head on her shoulders. She was nothing like her obnoxious idiot of a brother who tried to intimidate me with his constant scowls. He looked like Edward Collins with a constipated look on his face. Maisie was nothing like her brother. No wonder she was Adam's beta and not him.


I stared out of the library's window, watching the leaves fall to the ground. A blanket of red and gold leaves covered the campus grounds. It was nearly Halloween. Oh, no... Don't get me wrong, I loved Halloween more than any other holiday on the calendar, but when my sweet little sister began trick-or-treating, it turned into a nightmare. Every time we took her trick-or-treating, she turned into Mr. Jackal and Hyde. She usually dresses up in girly princess dresses, but don't let her cuteness fool you. She was a menace. Especially when people rip her off with candy.

Last year she nearly chewed a dentist's leg off when he handed over a candied apple to her. In an instant, she threw the apple onto the floor and lunged for his leg. It really happened. I had to tear her off the poor man and ran like hell, getting out of the building before the police arrived. This year my mom had to deal with Lilly. I loved my little sister to death, but even I didn't have the strength to keep the little Alpha in control. I could only pray my mom could. Bless her soul; she was going to need it.

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