Chapter 32: A Mob of Pissed-off Pups. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

I walked up to the breakfast table and sat down. While watching my little sister finish her bowl of birdseeds, I filled my plate to the brim with food. One positive thing about the pack, they made enough food to feed a town. The Alpha next to me had the decency to wait for me to finish my breakfast before he began with his lecture.

The shuffle of a chair drew my attention away from my caramel pancakes. Lilly took her empty bowl and glass from the table and walked out of the room. What a shameless ass-kisser. The only time she helped with dirty dishes or did her chores was when she wanted something from my mom in return. Minutes later, Lilly proved my theory correct when she walked back into the room with her puppy dog eyes set to full blast. She really wanted something.

"Mommy?" Lilly asked in an angelic tone, pouting her pink little lips at my mom. I chuckled and returned to my meal.

"Yes, honey," my mom answered, falling into her trap.

Glancing up, I saw her hugging her pink elephant while swaying on the spot. Goddess, she was so cute! Wait! Urg! Not me too... I shook my head, trying to break free from my little sister's spell. A few sways later, my father picked her up and placed Lilly in his lap. And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the perfect predator. She was the deadliest creature on earth who lured you in with her cuteness before she aimed for your jugular. Lilly continued her adorable assault on my parents. Even the big bad Alpha couldn't resist smiling at her. What the hell! Was that a smile? And here I thought the old man couldn't.

"Mommy, can I play with Noah and Milly outside?"

And there was the reason for her show. She wanted to play with the other pups, even though the Alpha wanted her to remain under his watchful eye. No doubt convinced that she was some sort of spy sent here by rogues to undermine his rule, or destroy his pack.

My mom took a sip of coffee before she said, "Honey, we talked about this. The Alpha wants to talk to you and your brother about what's going to happen tonight. Maybe later, okay?"

Oh, that wasn't going to fly. Here came the tears. Lilly's eyes watered while her lower lip trembled. "Ok...," she mumbled, lowering her chin on her stuffed toy while sniffing.

On... two... three—

"Lawrence, is it really necessary for her to be here? I mean, the real reason we're here is to talk to Nathan. Nathaniel said, "The ceremony won't be so complicated that the little blossom won't be able to handle it."

What a sucker...

The Alpha's eyes softened as Lilly battered her eyelashes at the man. The old man chuckled and said, "Very well. She's excused."

Lilly's cute face morphed from sad to happy before I could blink my eyes. She scooted off my father's lap and bolted for the nearest exit, squealing all the way. Everyone at the table chuckled at her cuteness.

"Fools are born every day..." I mumbled, returning to my food.

"What do you mean, son?"

I picked up a piece of bacon and ripped through it. "Mom, can't be serious? She just played you."

My father's eyebrows shot up in confusion. "What do you mean, kiddo?" My heart swelled at being called kiddo. I probably grinned like an idiot.

"She usually plays her cute card to get what she wants." I chewed down on another strip of bacon.

"She faked it, again?" My mom asked me with a groan. I just nodded. Talking with your mouth full was rude.

My father and the Alpha laughed while my mom grumbled and vowed under her breath to punish Lilly for tricking her yet again.

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