Chapter 46: Arrivals. [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

My feet dragged along the dirt track as I swung back and forth on the swing. The rope groaned under the strain. I watched as the pack members rushed from and to the pack house, getting ready for the impending attack. The Supreme and her coven had joined our fight. They were busy erecting magical barriers to protect the inner sanctum of the pack.

Goddess, I hoped it would be enough.

My grandfather had destroyed a lot of packs over the years, so much so that the Spirit of the Forest deemed it necessary to intervene. After all the years of fantasying about how I'd eventually confront my grandfather in battle and end his miserable life, it finally arrived. However, the reality of our impeding showdown scared me to death: I was man enough to admit it. Last night, while in Adam's arms, I couldn't get my mind to switch off. Dozens of horrid images jumbled around my head.

A loud yawn escaped my lips while rubbing my tired eyes. It was going to be an incredibly long day. With a yelp, I nearly fell off the swing when a pair of muscular arms coiled around my chest. This earned a chuckle from Adam as he dipped his nose into the nape of my neck.

I huffed and said, "You ass! You nearly scared the fur off me." I swatted him on his forearm.

He continued to chuckle while placing butterfly kisses along my neck. "What's gotten you so twisted into a knot?"

I wanted to growl at him for being an oblivious idiot, but all that escaped my mouth was a loud yawn. Adam chuckled once more before saying. "Tired, aren't we?"

"You would be if you couldn't sleep." I replied, yawning uncontrollably. "I'm not like you who slept as if the reaper snatched your soul out of your body."

I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"It still bothers you, doesn't it? That's why you haven't been sleeping for more than three hours a night." Adam grumbled and said, "You can't let this get to you... you have to face your grandfather, eventually. He'll haunt you for the rest of your life—"

"I know!" I snapped, pulling away from Adam's embrace and storming off toward the pack house.

Adam has constantly tried to soothe my guilty conscience about dragging the pack into my mess over the last week. My deranged grandfather wanted my life, not theirs. It was selfish of me to endanger the lives of innocent people, only to stay out of the lunatic's grasp. I felt like Damocles with a sword hanging over my head. At any moment, it would come falling down on my head.

A firm, calloused hand snapped around my arm as I stepped into the living room. Adam pulled me to him and I plowed into his chiseled chest. I growled, fighting to get out of his grip. I didn't have the strength for his 'everything will be OK' crap. People were going to die, and it was going to be my fault.

"Enough, Nathan," Adam scolded me in a harsh tone that choked the anger out of me. "This destructive state of mind you're in is exactly what I don't want. It's not your fault that your grandfather's fucked in the head."

I opened my mouth to protest, but Adam clamped his thumb over my lips. His smoldering brown eyes bore into my soul, causing my knees to buckle.

"This isn't just your fight, Nathan. Why do you think the spirit gave you the warning?"

To warn us, obviously.

Adam stroked my bottom lip while licking his. Clearing my throat pulled him out of his lustful stupor. Horny ass...

"The spirit warned you because your grandfather doesn't just threaten your life, but every werewolf in this pack. From the information your aunt forwarded after they fled, it seems that your grandfather has attacked dozens of packs and wiped them out." Adam rubbed circles on my back, lulling me further into his warm embrace. "You see, Nathan... Your grandfather is a threat to every werewolf on this planet. The sooner he dies, the better."

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