Epilogue: My Mate! [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

And so it ended with a blood-curdling scream and a pyre of enchanted fire. That was how my grandfather, the madman, met his end. The Supreme had made sure that there was no way he could worm his way out of the grave. Finally, my nightmare had ended. I could open my eyes to a bright future without watching my back for a poisoned dagger.

But my freedom came at a terrible price.

Sixty-eight people were buried in the pack's cemetery. Some were werewolves and the others witches and warlocks. All innocent. Their only crime was protecting those they loved. It was harsh; however, life was an ass with a flamethrower, eager to burn your ass at any moment it saw fit. And it used me as the trigger.

For the last two weeks, my mom tried to console me, saying that it wasn't my fault. I desperately wanted to believe her kind words, but I couldn't. I still played a part in my grandfather's twisted game of thrones. If it wasn't for me, he would have never targeted the pack. I wanted to walk out into the middle of the pack grounds. I wanted to invite all the families who lost a loved one and tell them to exact their revenge by pummeling me into the dirt. Bury me in the same hole they threw my grandfather's ass in.

Before I could sink deeper into the pit of misery and self-loathing, my sister tapped me on the shoulder. I finally became aware of the Elder's preaching after ignoring it for a while.

"Do not pity those who have fallen, for they sit at the heels of our goddess watching over us—" My eyes scanned the crowd of mourners draped in black. Most of the mothers were crying, while their fathers, sons, or brothers offered them a shoulder to cry on. "—for one day we will surely meet them again. And what a joyous day that will be."

The names of all the fallen pack and coven members rose into the sky. Their names were engraved on a black marbled obelisk. I sighed, interrupting the path of the falling tear that ran down my cheek with my thumb.

"I wish Adam was here."

"Me too." Fenrus whimpered in agreement with me. I missed him. He'd know just what to say to pull me through this gloomy day. But he wasn't, no matter how I longed for him to be with me. His hugs were what I missed the most, strong, warm, and comforting.

Another tap on my shoulder alerted me that the ceremony had run its course. Most of the mourners had already fled, seeking the comforts of their homes to mourn their fallen loved ones without restraints. I also wanted to bawl my eyes out and scream the pain out into the world. Life was too cruel.

I made my way toward the pack house, ignoring my family as I entered the only place I wanted to be. Once I stepped into the spacious living room, I took a long corridor toward the medical wing. Pushing open the door, I walked through the ward until I reached Adam's hospital bed. He hadn't moved. He lay on the bed, rigid as a statue. Even though his wounds were healed, he still hadn't woken up.

Two fucking weeks... I rubbed my tired face and took a seat next to him. I then held his hand, rubbing warmth into his pale, icy hands.

Tears slipped from my cheeks and landed on my black trousers, watching as they soaked into the fabric. "Come back to me, Adam. I need you," I whispered while kissing his hand.

I glanced at his sullen face. Dark rings marred his handsome face. His chapped lips, unmoving. The heart monitor beeped on lazily. Annoying piece of junk. I sighed again, shaking my head.

I gripped his hand tighter. "Please, don't leave me alone here. I can't live without you." I chuckled at my confession, sniffing occasionally. It was getting too sappy in here.

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