Chapter 50: Warrick, The Terrible. [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

Hundreds of paws thundered through the forest as we made our way to the edge of our territory. From the scout reports, Warrick and his army had made camp there. The day had finally arrived. Deep down, I shuddered at the thought of losing any of my fellow pack members. The war was going to be bloody. And if the deranged warlock had anything to say about it, he'd wipe Shadowdale off the map to prove to the magical community they needed to fear him.

"How many?" I asked Tyson who oversaw the scout reports. We were nearing the clearing where the two armies would face each other.

Tyson vaulted over a fallen tree trunk. "Over two hundred—mostly rogues under the control of blood witches and a dozen Shadowhunters, at least."

A growl escaped my maw just thinking about them. Undead assassins... Vampires who specialized in killing off magical creatures or, in rare cases, their clients paid them to abduct people for experimentation and slavery.

"Maisie?" I called out to her over the mind-link.

A few seconds passed before she answered with a huff. "What is it?" I would have snapped at her for being bitchy, but I knew Tyson pissed her off by keeping her from the battlefield. She wanted to fight alongside her mate, but Tyson told her to protect her brother. Nathan was still in the clinic.

"How's he doing?"

"The same as an hour ago," she replied grumpily. "Is there something else?"

I came to a stop at the end of the forest's tree line. I watched on as hundreds of warriors and spell casters worked together in setting up a temporary camp. "I need you to stay vigilant. We have Shadowhunters on the battlefield and we can't say for certain that they won't try to branch off to kill Nathan while he's not able to defend himself."

Maisie chuckled and said, "Don't matt your fur over it. If they're foolish enough to show their fangs near my face, I'll rip them apart."

"Don't underestimate them."

"We won't," Maisie replied. "Just focus on kicking the old fart into the dirt where he belongs. Nathan won't be happy if you get killed because you are worried about him. Aveny and I are more than capable of dealing with them."

We walked amongst the tents on our way toward the command post where my dad and the Supreme had gathered. Before we entered the tent, we shifted back to human form. A guard rummaged through a bag and threw us both a pair of shorts. We quickly pulled them over our bare asses before the wondering eyes of a few witches popped out of their heads.

I moved the flap aside that covered the entrance of the tent and entered. In the middle of the tent stood a group of people: my father, the Supreme, Nathaniel, Cassandra, Victoria, and Alex. They were busy planning the battle tactics they were going to use against the sick bastard and his army of fleabags.

"I want one witch, or warlock teamed up with four warriors to offer support if they run into anything more nasty than a rogue," my dad said while scratching his scruffy beard. "I want snipers on the cliff overlooking the battlefield to pick off any fool trying to sneak through our defenses..." My father carried on like this for the next hour until he finished planning our defensive response.

"How long do we have?" I asked, glaring at the map. I doubted that the old fool would wait long before he sent in his forces.

The Supreme picked up a glass of water and gulped it down. "Until night falls, most likely. Scouts have reported increased activity to the north. They're coming."

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