Chapter 6

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Hi everyone! Here's a new chapter to which I hope all of you enjoy! Would really appreciate more feedback from you all on your thoughts on this story so please feel free to comment what you think! With that being said, enjoy reading ❤️

It was starting to grow late, Chucky was already finished with the sandwiches, throwing the plastic packaging onto the floor of the car and relaxed as his back pressed against the fabric of your chair, now stained with blood from his clothes.

You inhaled sharply, stopping yourself as the stench of the coppery substance filled your nostrils and lungs. The road was opened and empty, not a single vehicle to accompany you in sight. You were alone, with this... Thing...

Your eyes turned towards his laid back form, seeing the maroon-ish dampness all over his colourful t-shirt and overalls... His unfazed expression only unsettled you even more.

His eyes darted towards you, causing you to flinch as your attention turned towards the road once again. They then began to wander around the surroundings as your car continued to move forward, passing billboards and street lamps, your eyes growing tired from the darkness that filled your vision. They squinted as you saw a sign, the letters on it being dimly lit lights that continued to flicker as you tried to focus and read out what it said.

It was a motel.

Chucky pushed himself up, noticing the sign before turning his head towards you. "Stop when we get to the motel..." He instructed, his voice was rough and low. You nodded immediately in response.

"I'm fucking exhausted..." He grumbled, resting his head onto the chair as he let himself sigh, his eye lids half closing his eyes.

You hit the gas, speeding up towards the motel, not wanting to spend a minute more in your car with the homicidal doll.

You slowed down as you reached the small building, driving into it's empty parking lot and parked at the spot closest to the entrance.

You were nervous, not knowing how you were going to sneak Chucky into the motel without anybody knowing. His face was scarred, his clothes soaked in blood, that was enough for anyone to grow suspicious if they took one look at him. You didn't wanna risk getting in more trouble too, considering how much trouble you were already in to begin with.

You licked your dry lips, anxiously, gaining the dolls attention as you did so. "Aren't you concerned that somebody'll probably get suspicious seeing you? I don't think it's a good idea-" "Eh, I wouldn't worry about it too much... " he interrupted you, his tone unruffled. "Why's that..?" You asked him, as an overpowering sense of fear washed over you, already knowing you weren't going to sit well with his reply.

"It's not like they'll get the chance to say anything..." He answered, pride in his voice as his took out his knife from his pocket, staring at it, a smirk forming on his lips, followed by his crazed outburst of laughter.

Your hands ran over your face, frustration filling up your whole being as a loud scream threatened to escape your throat. You felt so helpless, and all you could do was listen and obey the one thing you wished you could get away from right now.

You were so done with this...

Your eyes glared at him, watching as he placed the knife back into his tiny pocket and pulled out a portion of money that he stole from the conviniance store, counting them before passing it to you.

"This should be enough for a room over here.." he told.

You mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to do next, knowing he was going to go ballistic if you didn't listen to his orders, his current one being to go into the motel and book a room.

You hesitantly reached your hand towards him, picking him up nervously. The usual warmth of his body caused your heart to race, but you tried to ignore it. Your free hand pulled out the keys, turning your car off as you stepped out, locking the door behind you.

You held your breath, afraid that your shivering hand was going to drop the doll. Your eyes looked down at him, his face holding a fixed expression, an expression that could easily fool anyone into thinking he was just a regular doll... If he didn't have those bold scars.

You looked away from him, your eyes being set towards the entrance of the motel. Your legs were still weak, the trauma from what you had witnessed still not being able to leave your mind. Your feet basically dragged over the old tarred road, scraping it with the soles of your shoes.

As you arrived, you used your free hand to push open the door, a little bell jingled from the opposite side of it, hanging from the door knob. You tried putting on a friendly face, masking your fear behind it as you met with the clerk, who greeted you with a nod and a smile.

"Would you like to check in?" She asked, causing you to nod in response to her question, paying her the amount of cash Chucky had given you, not bothering to get change back as you were mentally drained and un-concentrated

"I see.. " she says, her voice trailing along as her hand reached forward towards her basket which held a few pairs of keys, each labeled with the room numbers they belonged to.

She picked one up, passing it to you with a smile. "Its on the second floor. " She stated.

You nodded, sighing as your grip tightened on the doll you held so firmly in your grasp.

You gave the clerk a weak smile before walking towards the elevator that wasn't too far away from her desk.

Your finger came in contact with the button, causing it to light up faintly, an image of an orange arrow pointing up glowing dimly on it. The doors slid opened slowly, causing you to hesitantly step in. They closed behind you as you pressed the 2nd floor's button.

It took a few seconds before the doors opened again, allowing you to exit the elevator. You walked towards the hallway looking around, it seemed dull compared to the image you had envisioned in your mind.

You looked at the label that came with the keys, studying your room's numbers before walking down the hallway to find it.

You stopped at the right one, shoving your keys into the cheap knob's hole before twisting it, the door opening.

You stepped in, being greeted by the room's musty smell. You tried not to be bothered by it though, there were worst things to worry about at that moment and this certainly wasn't going to be one of them.

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