Chapter 30

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Your back pressed against the wooden headboard uncomfortably hard, though you didn't seem as bothered by it as you were with your own thoughts. Your eyes stared blankly at the wall in front of you, unusually fixed on the sight of the peeling white paint that threatened to fall off onto the dusty surface of the hard tiled floor. You hugged your knees close to your chest in a balled up position, traumatized by the information you had just taken in a few minutes ago, feeling that it sunk in faster than you were able to properly comprehend.

Guilt swirled around in your stomach and mind as you tried to push it away the best you could, chewing the inside of your cheek as you tried to steady your racing heart by breathing slowly.

You longed for your apartment, the thought of going back and being in it, even for just a few minutes, bringing back fond memories from before you had gotten yourself entangled in this whole situation. All of those memories, once surrounded by feelings dread and anger, were now surrounded by feelings of comfort and yearning. How you missed that old place. Missed how fucking frustrating it was living there. Sure, it was messy, overwhelming to live in even, but it sure as hell was better than this. Anything fucking was.

If only you had minded your own business, closed your curtains sooner, discarded Andy's visit to that old house as just another thief trying to break in.

Now the blood of your ex manager, a middle aged cleaning lady and an innocent young man were on your hands, forever haunting you with regret and thoughts of how all of it could've been avoided if you had just done a few things differently.

Chucky groaned boredly as he stopped flicking through channels on the TV, realizing that all of them were the same - either filled with cheap and poorly made ads for pointless products or shitty shows that only existed for people to doze off to when they were having a hard time doing so.

His eyes trailed over to you for the first time since you had found out about Arthur's demise, seeing how blank your expression was, seeming to be lost in an endless ocean full of unpleasant thoughts.

“Yeesh..." he muttered, expressing his annoyance by rolling his eyes at how petrified you looked, wondering how long this would've lasted before things could go back to normal again.

“Hate to break it to ya, doll, but sittin' around and mopin' ‘bout it, ain't gonna bring him back. The kid's dead as a fuckin' doornail." He informed coldly, watching as your head slowly turned to meet him, frightened eyes growing even more sorrowful as they were met with the scowl he made obvious on his face.

“Why did you do it..? He... He didn't do anything!" You yelled in the man's defense,  seeing that it didn't phase the doll in the slightest whatsoever as he stared back at you plainly, making it seem like the way you a
reacted in response to this situation was extremely bizarre.

“True, but you did..." He simply responded, watching with a sense of amusement as your face dropped. Your expression molded into one of confusion and a hint of uncertainty as you shook your head, almost as if trying to convince yourself more than you were trying to convince him. Not only did he add fuel to the growing fire, that was your fear of being the main cause of this man's death, he basically confirmed it.

“H..huh?" You shakily sounded, hoping his next response would be less unnerving.

“You hesitated." He answered, his tone remaining the same, though his words seemed to impact you even more as you felt the uncomfortable build up of tension begin to grow and radiate off the room.

“Hesitated?" You repeated the word of the action he had accused you of doing, the feeling of distraught seeming to hover over you - waiting for the perfect moment to finally crash down onto you, to leave you destroyed and broken, to top off your already unbearable guilt.

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