Chapter 23

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You swallowed as your drying throat filled up with the cold air of the air conditioning that heavily flowed throughout your whole car.

You could feel the build up of tension that radiated throughout the small space. You felt guilty for your actions, but at the same time didn't. Regret was overpowering every other emotion in play, and it wasn't because you felt sorry for doing what you did. It was because you gave the knife up so easily that it was honestly pathetic.

“Look..." Chucky began, causing your heart to race in reaction to him finally speaking after the long minutes of shameful silence.

“We've had a long night... I'm tired and I know you are too... You have no reason to trust me and that's understandable, I get that. After all, it's not like I saved your ass back in that alley or anything..." His tone changed from sincere to sarcastic as he spoke that last sentence. You looked towards him, expression holding confusion, curious as to what his whole statement was even leading up to.

“But that's not important... Apparently... Regardless, we're gonna be stuck with eachother for a long time. A really long fucking time... And I think, in order to establish some sorta... peace? I'll give you protection in exchange for transportation. Sound like a fair deal?" He questioned, causing you to tilt your head slightly, confused as to how he remained so calm after the stunt you had just pulled, realizing just how fast his emotions could vary.

“Yeah... " You muttered, nodding to him. His head turned, side eyeing you with an expression that you knew to be suspicion. He was trying his best to conceal his anger, but you could clearly see it flaring behind those blue eyes. As long as he didn't express it, you remained in relief, hoping something wouldn't tick him off and send him over the edge.

“H.. hey... I'm sorry... About... You know..." You hesitantly apologized, seeing him roll his eyes as he looked away from you, causing your guilt to weigh on you even more at this.

“Are you okay..?" You questioned, looking him up and down and watching as his eyes met with yours once again, squinting as he observed you.

“The hell does it look like, toots?" He questioned, his tone flat as he looked down at his stab wound, seeing his own blood that stained his overalls, mixed with different shades of the red substance, all from his latest victims.

“Lets see... Apart from the stab I just received from that fuck faced asshole back in the motel, to which you sloppily sewed up with a needle and thread from that cheap ass sewing kit you bought from that piece of shit store, and the two times you sent me flying towards the door of your car, I'd say I'm doing fucking tremendous. What about you?"

You could tell he was pissed, not like it wasn't already blatantly obvious from the start.  His volume remained the same, soft and sounding quite calm, but his words and the fowl expression he held on his face as his eyes fixed onto yours suggested otherwise.

“Chucky, I know you're mad-"

“Yeah the fuck I am!!" He finally snapped, causing you to flinch as the loudness of his voice cut you off. The red stitches on his face looked more menacing in the dark, especially when his expressions would change. The sight of them sent chills down your spine and for a moment, you wonder how any of this was even possible. It was hard to grasp onto the fact that stuff like voodoo, possession and magic existed outside of movies, legends and myths, but then again, living proof of all of that took form in the monstrosity sitting right next to you.

“The fuck was that all about!?" He questioned, anger rising at every second that you chose to remain silent after. He genuinely was curious as to what made you decide to almost screw him over like that. The both of you had been on the same page, even shaking on being even, and the fact that you even tried to pull another attempt in saving yourself from him made him question why. Something had to trigger it, and he was set on finding out what exactly it was.

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