Chapter 21

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You were back on the road again, trying your best to stay focused and alert, hoping to get as far away from the motel as possible.

“Can I ask you something?" You hesitantly questioned the doll, eyes not leaving the faintly lit road, painted with the black shadows that seemed to swallow your car into darkness.

“sure." You heard him respond as he switched his positions on the seat, his voice coming out to sound more like a rough growl than an actual response, you couldn't really blame him though, after all, the guy did just get attacked, stabbed and then stitched all in the matter of a few moments.

It grew silent, a mixture of awkwardness and a subtle hint of tension accompanying it.

“It took you awhile to come back to the room when you left, I just wanna know what you did while you were out... I know you said it doesn't concern me but-" you began, trying to word your sentences clearly but your nervous state and quivering lips made it difficult for you to sound calm, adding to your already jittering voice that sounded from your drying throat as you felt a warm wave of uneasiness wash over your whole body, sending multiple shivers throughout your limbs and back.

His sigh cut you off, making you stop talking midway as you side eyed him for no longer than a few seconds, his form being blocked out by a few loose strands of hair that got in the way of your vision, preventing you from focusing on him as a whole.

“I killed her. " He stated plainly, rolling his eyes as he was met with your silence. He was faced towards you, his expression showing annoyance, already being able to predict your reaction. He heard you gulp, hesitantly opening your mouth to respond to what he had just told you. Hating how he had just so freely told you it with such ease - it was as if the words hadn't even left his mouth at all. You couldn't expect different considering who and what he was, but the idea still hadn't sunken in that well, and you hoped it never would - for the day you just shrug unbotheredly, hearing that he had taken another life as if it were no big deal, would be the day you would consider yourself completely and utterly insane.

“No, you don't mean-" though you were certain he did, denial was all you could feel, hoping that you didn't have to deal with the guilt of another life gone, blaming yourself for even leading him up to his next victim, wondering how you could've been so stupid - letting him leave so freely and unsupervised.

“The janitor, yeah.." he finished your sentence, mumbling almost guiltily as he heard your tone of voice, it softened him a little for a reason he didn't seem to know or like the idea of, but also increased his annoyance, regaining his intimidating demeanor.

“you... you killed her!???" You repeated, questioning his actions in distraught, hearing a low growl erupt from his throat in response to this - which only made your eyes force themselves to stare at the road ahead, too afraid to turn to your side in fear of what you were to be met with if you did. Your hands gripped the steering wheel even tighter than you already did, eyes hesitantly trailing from the road to him.

“God, give me a break, will ya?! " He snapped, practically barking his words, his annoyance and anger begining to grow even more now, which only caused an increase in your heart rate as you breathed out a faint whimper, recalling Lorraine's face, the scene of her terrified state as she fearfully talked to the clerk about something you were still clueless about, still fresh in your mind. You were only able to imagine her death, and how scared you knew she must've felt. Tears began to well up in your eyes as the all too familiar feeling of regret drowned everything else out.

His outburst caused you to stay silent, not knowing if you should or even wanted to respond to him at this point, and the fact that you decided not to only irritated him even more.

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