Chapter 2

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Your eyes opened as you awoke from your slumber, getting out of bed and stretching. It was 6am, you'd usually be rushing to get ready for you job right now, but it was clear you didn't have to anymore, considering that your dickhead manager decided to fire and replace you just last night, breaking the news to you unexpectedly and last minute. Remembering what happened only caused you to groan, your mood already being faltered as you started off the day with a frown upon your face.

You spent a good 30 minutes in the shower, longer than you usually did. However the sense of calmness that would always loosen your nerves as the relaxing warm water washed over you skin wasn't there today, being replaced with the frustrated feeling of overthinking about how you were going to get a new job to make ends meet.  

You got out and changed to some clean clothes before walking out of your apartment's room and locking the door behind you. You used the elevator to get down to the ground floor before exiting it and walking out of the building. Your eyes then moved towards the old abandoned house that stood just across the road, remembering what you had witnessed last night while staring out of your window. Your skin grew pale as you realized the same car you saw last night was parked in front of the house once again.

A gulp sounded from your throat, your body tensed and standing frozen as you saw the car door open, watching as the same man stepped out. You tried to walk away quickly, not wanting to gain his unwanted attention.

“Hey. Hey!" He called out to you, causing you to stop in your tracks as your mind yelled at you to make a run for it. He crossed the street, approaching you as your body stayed stiffened in one spot. You turned around hesitantly, trying not to seem too anxious or suspicious in any way.

“You seem familiar. Do you live in one of those apartments by any chance?" He questioned, signalling towards the apartments from the building. You kept silent, debating on whether you should answer him or not as you observed him, thinking about how much he resembled and dressed like those creeps that always hung around the area of Chad's store.

“Uh, yeah... I... I do. " You answered, already regretting telling this weirdo the truth. “Oh... You... Didn't happen to see anything happen in that house last night, did you?" He asked another question, causing your breathing to hitch slightly. “N... No, why?" You answered, before asking your own question, curious to see as to what he would reply with.

“Oh, no reason. " He simply said, shrugging. “Oh, I'm Andy by the way." He introduced himself, offering his hand out for you to shake. You hesitated for a moment, but reluctantly shook it. “(Y/n)." You stated your name. He nodded, and watched as you pulled your hand away from his grasp. “Sorry, I have to go. " You apologized quickly, walking away before he could respond. “Well, it was nice meeting you!" He yelled, from a distance, watching as you walked away.

You made your way to the city, trying to make yourself focus on the task at hand, finding yourself a new job. You found it hard to however, your thoughts always running back to the memory of what you saw Andy doing last night. A chill ran down your spine. Your tried to shake the thoughts out of your head as your finally arrived, walking around to see whether there were any job offerings but failing as you were unable to find any after hours of walking around the busy city and asking people around. You decided to give up after awhile of searching, making your way back to your apartment, feeling slight disappointment and guilt for giving up. 

The hot afternoon sun burnt your skin and all you wanted to do now was get back to your apartment so you could rest. You approached your apartment's building, noticing that Andy's car wasn't parked in front of the house anymore. You sighed as you stared at the deserted home, wondering if you should go in to investigate. Curiosity got the best of you after awhile of staring and you decided to do so.

You crossed the street and approached the old house, pushing the door open and entering inside. You then walked into the room where you saw the incident take place, looking around.

Your eyes then met with what appeared to be a red-headed doll, tied up and gagged onto a chair in the corner of the room. You looked at it with confusion, approaching and observing it closely. Some of it's ginger hair was stuck together with what appeared to be a dried up red substance.

It's eyes were closed and it's face held many red scars that appeared to be stitched up. You then observed it's clothing, noticing it had blue overalls that were ripped for the most part and a colourful striped sweater on, stained with the same crimson red coloured substance. Your eyes began to widen as you watched it's chest move up and down as if it were breathing.

You then remembered seeing that the small figure that Andy seemed to be choking last night, kicked him in the face. Adding two and two together, the only conclusion you could've made was that this doll was somehow alive, which was impossible. At least, that's what you thought.

You refused to believe something so preposterous, perhaps this doll was new to the market, a doll that could breathe and... Bleed? You tried to rationalize the situation, finding it hard to without sounding crazy. You moved closer towards it, reaching your hand out towards it's face and pointing out your finger to poke it. Your finger came in contact with it's cheek, feeling the warmth of it's skin which caused you to pull your hand away right after.

It felt so... Real...

You stumbled back in fear and shock, watching as it's eyes suddenly opened. A scream escaped your lips as you watched it struggle violently to get out of the rope that pulled tightly against it's skin. You could hear a low muffled growl erupt from it's throat, causing your breath to hitch in fear at the sight of this monstrosity. It shook its head violently, causing the gag to loosen and fall off from it's mouth. You whimpered, hearing it's low pants.

“Who the fuck are you?"

It questioned fiercely, it's voice clearly not suiting how it looked like. You trembled in fear as you heard it, not being able to answer it's question. “What's the matter?" It asked, it's tone mocking your fear. “Never seen a Good guy doll before? " It asked, grinning.

“H... How are you... Alive...?" You managed to ask, fear laced in your voice. “Long story. " it simply stated, looking down at the rope that bounded it to the chair. It's expression changed, looking as if an idea had just popped into its head. It smirked as it raised it's head up to face you.

“Hey, tell you what, you help me get out of this rope and I'll tell you everything you need to know about me." It persuaded convincingly. You gulped at the idea of even getting close to it, you could live without the information.

You got up from the floor, watching as it's eyes followed you, sending a chill down you spine. You backed away from it, turning around to exit the room.

“Hey. Hey! Where the fuck do you think you're going!?" It questioned sharply, causing you to wince at the harshness of it's voice. You tried to ignore it, walking towards the entrance.

“Wait, please!! " It pleaded, changing it's tone. “You don't know what he'll do to me when he gets back!" The fear in it's voice caused you to turn around, part of you regretting it, wishing you would just walk out of the room.

“Wh... Who? Andy?" You questioned, watching as it nodded hearing Andy's name. “Yeah! The guy's a fucking psycho! He brought me here, coming back every now and then to torture me." It told, it's voice showing how much it despised the man.

“You gotta help me get out of here! I can't take this shit anymore!" You sighed, feeling sympathy grow upon you as you stared down at the doll. You approached it once again, walking behind it and undoing the knots from the rope, causing them to fall to the floor. You watched as it tried to stand up, failing as it fell to it's knees, probably because of the long hours it spent tied up into a forced seated position, not being able to move around. It's legs probably felt numb.

The sound of the front door's knob turning caused you to stiffen with realization and fear.

Shit. He's back...

•𝙉𝙤𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙪𝙣• [𝘾𝙝𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin