Chapter Two

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Today was a pretty boring day, well mostly, it started with wake up get dressed, go to to work, and be a hero. Oh right hi I'm Magnus also known as Unbreakable. So yeah today started as a boring day, and it started at Hero Corp. I was making my rounds later that night when I saw a person standing next to a stop sign in all black and watched as they were suddenly melting it with their hand.
" Stop there Mr." I had to get a closer look at what they were doing," magma man?" I became confused on the affliction in front of me. Then he turned around and my heart sped up by 100 times. It was him, Liquidizer, but from everything I was ever told he was supposed to be the big bad of the villains, but no he's 5'3 at most and looks like I scared him by how wide his eyes have become. Before I can blink he's disappeared.
"I need to report this in." I go to call in the weird interaction when I get the call.
" FIRE, FIRE EVERYWHERE! LA TIENDA DE LOS NIÑOS IS ON FIRE!" I hear Heatwave scream into the coms and I decide to drop the weird interaction and run to the blazing fire.
On my way I run into someone and suddenly the world seems to stop for me. Once I regain myself I make myself known to the shell shocked man who rammed into me.
" for being the most well know villains you two sure know how to run into heroes don't you."
I see his accomplice Technopath standing behind him almost as if he's in a state of no care.
" Hi Unbreakable." That pulls me from my thoughts and I look back down to a very annoyed looking man although I really can't see his face well behind his mask I can see the scars that litter around his eyes from his powers and I'm positive that they cover the rest of him too with how deadly his powers are. I space out for the rest of the interaction staring at him before he suddenly disappeared from site, but I remember him saying something about making sure the kids are ok. I take that as my que to run to the building seeing thousands of children hugging and smiling. I smile at them and wave as I see the hero's Ocean and Waterfall show up. Two twins who have water based powers. I help get the kids to the police stationed around and then go to help remove rubble from the buildings surroundings. For being ablaze minutes prior the internal portions of the building stayed in tact and it amazed me that the same man who melted a stop sign could do this.
After that very strange call I had to drive home, a very large and empty mansion that I always will resent having. I didn't choose to buy it I was forced to and if I hadn't I would have be fired from all usage and ownership of my powers, but it's all fine since I am able to help people in need with the other amazing heroes. I pull into my house and see Octavia's car in the drive and I sigh, being straight for publicity drains me , I had to start dating her to make more money for the organization and now 5 years later I still have to keep up the act even when I know she has no feelings for me and that it is very mutual.
I park and get out and grab my duffle bag from the back seat and head towards the front door or my home, right homes supposed to feel welcoming not dreadful. I walk past the kitchen seeing Octavia making out with this weeks new man. I ignore it and head up to my room and change out of my clothes from work into my home clothes even though they are still extremely uncomfortable. I sit down on my bed that's a king sized but always feels empty even while I'm in it, and think back to my weird day.
I think about Liquidizer and how his grey eyes match his pale and scar littered face, how his blue ocean hair covers his natural hair that looks to be brown or black, and how even for his size he can still outrun most people. I've heard people say that because he's "overweight" he's slow but he's actually very fit for his size and stature. I thought back to his all black outfit with a black hoodie to legging and boots. I smiled softly but instantly stopped.
" no I'm not supposed to think about him in that way" I sigh and stand again taking in the grey walls of my room and the darker grey carpet on my floor, yeah being rich is boring when you have no life outside of work, I thought to myself as I made my way to my favorite part of my house. The library was set on the west side of the house and was two floors tall, it has a curved wall made of pure glass to be able to look out onto the outside world, while the other walls were towered with bookshelves filled with books. Each book I had read and each one was very special to me. I grabbed my favorite book and spent the next 5 hours emerged in it as if I was in a coma.
By the time I came to was when Octavia had decided to make her grand entrance with a mighty temper.
" If I had known you were home I wouldn't have waited so long for you to get me dinner!" She was always like this when I didn't stand at her beck and call. So I simply closed my book and stood cleaning up my outfit.
" why didn't you order food your a grown woman who has a job." I knew it was blunt but I was tired of her and from the day I had. Her reaction was a common one, it resulted in her huffing and storming out. She always thinks she's above everything having grown up rich unlike myself and she spends her every minute either yelling orders or dying her hair blonde or black. She always had to make sure I looked good or that she looked good so when photographers came we looked picture perfect. She's also the reason I lost my last boyfriend Nick, right when I discovered my powers I was dragged all over the world by the corporation and then I was forced to ghost him and date her or else we both would be locked up and I would be stripped from my powers. I miss him daily, and that woman is a constant reminder. I sigh again and remove myself from my thoughts and head to the living room to hear what new issue has erupted from Octavia and oh boy did I ever regret that. There on the news was me doing my job running to the fire when I ran into Liquidizer and I watched as soon as he appeared he was gone like a light. The world seemed to tune out as I watched as words danced across the screen, as she kept screaming at either me or it. I came back to a faint buzzing in my pocket, 'Jameson' light up the otherwise dark screen and I knew I was in deep trouble. I sucked in a breath and walked back to my room to prepare to be ridiculed. The call ended and seconds later a new one began, except this time it read 'Agency' I groaned and picked it up.
" Hello Mr. Jameson how might I assist you?" I stated as it had become a frequent thing recently for me to mess up on national television recently.
"You need to come into my office this instant young man!" He coldly remarked over the phone. I knew I was in trouble but the words seemed to make me not care much of the fact.
"Yes sir I'll come right in." I hummed as I hung up and got redressed. I got into my car and started to drive off towards work again and sighed out, this is going to be a weird day.

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