Chapter Nine

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I placed my mask on the counter, my eyes never meeting with his out of pure fear. He was just kissing me and now the bathroom is drowning in a deathly silence.
"I knew I recognized your voice, but I've hurt you in battles. I threw you against a tree!" I see his hands hold my arms as he looks over my scars.
"I'm able to keep my blood inside so I couldn't get that hurt." I joke trying to lighten the mood.
"You were never found were you?" I meet his eyes and see he is tearing up, I didn't want to hurt him this wasn't the plan.
"Someone did find us, I screamed for two days bloody murder, Grandfather found us, and once he got us out I saw the death toll. Everyone in that building was dead, Everyone but us, we had found only one other survivor, and in the hospital I had to sit in the waiting room for 6 weeks before anyone woke up." I lift his mask off his face, his tired and drained face.
"You had to wait alone, and in the middle of that I had to send that horrible text."
"It broke me, I actually thought you were lying on the news when you said you were going to kill me for destroying that nightmare, that day you dumped me I decided to destroy all heroes that hurt people." He stares at me in shock, almost like he had put something together.
"Jameson sent that attack on you, and he was the one who told me you were dead and to leave that message to make me move on."
"Your father?! Your monster of a father had you do that?!" I can feel myself loosing control, and then I'm not, I'm being kissed. I wrap my hands around his neck and connect them, pulling him closer. It calmed me, a lot.
"Join us." I break the kiss, I need this plan to work, I have to save him.
"Join you? Your going to attack the gala?!" He backs up and I wait for him to leave, but he sits down, " what do you have on everyone?" I hop off of the counter and sit next to him.
"Everything criminal the 'heroes' have ever done since they became a hero, starting with Jameson's reason for starting this Corporation." I lean into him as I explain further into what the plan is.
I check the time after a bit of talking it's go time.
"Yes or no? If you want to join us you have to publicly dump and out Octavia and quit the 'family business'." I hold his hand, larger than mine by a lot but somehow welcoming and having my hand held by it again makes me feel more confident in his choice.
"I think I can do better." He leans down to kiss me again and we share the moment in quiet bliss, a feeling I haven't felt since he left home.
"No more business trips." I lay my head on his shoulder.
"Not unless you're with me." He stands and helps me up. We share one last hug and kiss before we leave the bathroom, making sure the coast is clear. I watch him walk into the main gala door while I walk into the backstage doors.
"So?" Derik looks up from making sure the cameras never shut off.
"He's in." I change out of my dress shoes into my boots and I look out onto the stage and see Flame and Nightmare singing still. Everything falling perfectly, soon everything will be in our control.
"Grandfather are you rested enough to make a portal?" I walk over to him, my anxiety has spiked in the past minute, I need everything to work.
"Yes child everything is to plan." I hear my que to return to stage and I walk on stage seeing Magnus sitting next to Octavia, I wink as I start singing once more, this time Nightmare starts to use her ability to freeze everyone in their spots, frozen from an unknown fear. I watch as Magnus stands, facing his father and lover. I look to Flame and he smiles taking over the microphone as I make my way over to Magnus. He takes my hand as Denise continues to freeze everyone but those two.
"So Dad, Octavia, I have a few words to say," the music quiets and I hand him a microphone, "First of all, Octavia you have two modes, Cheating and Draining my pockets. Now, to the worlds worst father! You forced me to transition unhealthily until I was unrecognizable, yes you gave me the beat kinds of surgery but I had no time to recover from any of it. Five years ago you told me to break up with the love of my life to date Octavia, because you couldn't have a gay hero be the best hero on the planet. Guess what dad, not only do I quit, but I'm breaking up with Octavia." Just like that I'm being kisses, a far more passionate one, one full of love. I don't care I'm excited he actually went through and chose me. Once we break apart Jameson is screaming until Denise freezes them both in fear. Time for a show.
I lead Magnus onto the stage and start my speech.
"Hello world! Glad to finally get your attention. 5 years ago I was thrown into the dark reality of what our heroes really are. It was a normal day, when it wasn't." My team stands next or behind me. "Five years ago a super hero crashed into my apartment building, and as I screamed and cried for help, he ignored me and left us for dead." I use my powers to pull FireFly into the middle of the gala floor. "I screamed for two days, Surrounded by what I, at the time, had thought were the bodies of my family. Two days later after screaming for help, someone found us. Not only was he not a hero, he was deemed a villain by Hero Corp. He went room to room finding hundreds of people who died out in the building bellow us. Only one other person had be conscious, a young man who would become my brother." Flame walks up to my side along with Grandfather. "I waited weeks for my family to wake up from their comas. I sat in a waiting room and not once did my thoughts leave me. The hero's never came." I hand the microphone to Magnus.
" I was told by Jameson, my father, that there had been a fire and none of the people in that building had lived. That my apartment had started it. I came to learn years later, it wasn't a fire, FireFly was sent to kill, and the person he was sent to kill, was Liquidizer, before he was even super-powered, he was human. The blast from the attack gave everyone in that room super abilities, that is what kept them alive. Flame gained his abilities at birth, keeping him alive without knowing what happened to trap him. Innocent people who didn't have abilities died!" I pull Jameson onto the floor, I could see they wanted to move from their frozen states but I wouldn't let them.
"To keep Unbreakable in their hold, they forced him to date Octavia, they used my death as a warning. If he acted up or quit, they would strip him from his powers. They would wipe his name from existing and his memory from everyone in the world." I finish the story holding his hand tighter, our masks were still on so they couldn't see our identities, but that didn't matter to me, I was happy it hid my tears in finally tell that story to the public. I put it in their hands to decide how they feel about it.
"Every hero in this room has abused their powers and status. They all have hurt people and all of them have done it while working for Hero Corp." I watch the lights move to the gala floor, a floor now flooded with people, frozen to the floor.
"The heroes were never here for the people of the world, they just were in it for the money and fame, so take it from people who do their job better. Maybe it's time to make a change in things." I put the microphone back onto its stand. I see all of the heroes starring at us as if in shock we would out their secrets.
We hear a thud and Denise is on the floor, she over used her powers. Grandfather makes her a portal back to the house, before we can follow the heroes are up and moving. I knew someone was going to get hurt tonight. I nod to my team, we all knew. We had to fight our way out.

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