Chapter Five

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Finally my week of being 'grounded' was over! For a recap all I did was see everyone's outfit for the gala and clean, and I mean deep clean, the whole house. The outfits now sat hung up in a large wardrobe in the basement along with our weapons and masks. We may have super abilities but we like to have our shiny bling.
I walk into the kitchen and make myself coffee.
" a week without you making issues and now your back and already have a bounty on your head." I perk up and look at Denise.
"Who wants me dead now?" I pout in a joking tone while I pour my coffee.
"Your ex," she cuts herself off, I read her face and it's one I know all to well, the face of someone debating on telling someone bad news.
"Let me see the news report." I sit next to her and hold my hand out for the tablet she's holding. It's small and old but it's good for watching news reports over who has a vendetta against us. It's case is a blue grey with cuts and dents all over from being well used.
Once she hands me the tablet I turn it on to see Magnus on the screen. I tear up as I hear the words that leave his mouth.
"Liquidizer, you destroyed countless of things, but this building that you returned to the ground, was my old home. Now things have gotten personal and I will make it my mission to put you behind bars." The camera pans to the smolders of my temper tantrum last week. I don't care about the fact I'm being hunted, or the fact he wants to end me. He still remembers me. That's all it takes for me to forget my coffee and grab my suit. Before I can stop myself I'm sprinting past towering building, the shadows casting from the looming structures and passing cars seemed to fade away as I entered the outsides of town. A run down area with little to no houses, flourishing trees cover the sky above me. Soft dirt and grass carpet the ground bellow me. I sit on the forest floor and then I do something unremarkably stupid. I send a signal out to Unbreakable letting him know where I'm positioned.
I lean up against a tree while I wait till I hear footsteps storming closer. I open my eyes from my resting state and see him looming closer. His blonde hair frizzy and knotted. His eyes glazed over in anger and vengeance. I see new scars all sprinkled across his exposed arms, probably from battles and training. His hero suit looking new, a wide sleeved tank-top that's cyan mixed in with the black stripes along the sleeves and seems. His pants appear to have no altercations visible. I stand to meet him present as non violent and calm.
He ignores my advances and I know I'll have to fight him. As he nears closer I wonder how he gained scars since his skins invincible. I soon discard the thought as a fist is flying at me. I dodge downwards and disappear into air. He seems to stop and I reappear in a watery form and resembling my solid form. He comes at me again and I harden into obsidian before grabbing his hands and kicking him in to a tree. He stops appearing in a daze and I walk forward.
"I didn't attack the building," I'm cut off by behind slammed to the ground, the wind being knocked out of me. I open my eyes and see him analyzing me before we make eye contact, his eyes seem to widen and I fear he recognizes me. I watch as he pulls away from me almost in a war with his thoughts.
"Your eyes look like his." He sits under a tree, I know the tree well his name was carved into it while he was a child. He pats the ground next to him and I hesitantly sit down afraid to be thrown.
"Who do you mean?" I want to pry to know if he truly means me.
"His name was Nick, I don't know why I'm telling you this, your not him, you just have his eyes." He laughs out sadly. I put my hand on his to let him know I'll listen even if we are enemies. He looks up and tells me the story of how I died.
"You were told he died in a fire?" I perk up, I didn't die I was left to die.
"It was a freak fire that killed him and his friends." He leans his head back.
" I destroyed that place because a hero had committed a murder attempt there." I act like I had seen what happened that day, as an outsider, " he flew in and I heard screaming for help when I was in the apartment under it, the screams never ended, I was trapped in my own home due to my door being blocked for hours and eventually I got free, everyone in that apartment was still alive." I want him to know I'm not lying about being alive, I screamed for days before someone found us, but we all lived.
"They lied to me? He's alive?!" His face seems to light up almost as if to show hope he hasn't had in half a decade.
"He's very much still alive, you should look for him. I'm positive he will want to see you again." I stand and reach out my hand offering a hand up. He takes it and we nod, a truce is made. The plan to win over the hero's has started falling into place, now he is unsure of who's an alibi.
"If you are right and he is alive I'll find him! Until then no funny business." He waves me off and I evaporate myself and head home.
I fly into the house screaming.
"IT WORKED IT WORKED!" I flew into the living room as the other inhabitants of the house joined me. And soon after I began my tales of the day I had.
"He's vulnerable, now what? How do we know your plan will work unlike the rest of them?" Grandfather states, he's a tall and thin man always dressed in a suit, but his powers are the most important of all of ours, he can create portals that can transport anyone, anywhere. He's not truly related to any of us, but he found us that day and saved us.
"I told him about the day, they told him we all had died. So I simply refabricated the story to confirm the truth, and that seemed to make something in him click." I sit down next to Kai and we high-five.
"He's learning? Good." Grandfather states plainly, a smile registers onto his face. The rest of the group nod in agreement.
"On another tone I have a plan for the banquet, a way to pull him onto our side!" I explain my plan and how I'll make sure work he will work with us.
"After 5 years he still will do anything in his being to keep me alive and safe, and I'm positive after today he will make sure work on keeping everything up to plan." Grandfather nods excusing himself from the room to add into the plan what I had stated. I followed him needing some parental guidance. He's sitting at his desk with a journal wide open with the plan and blue prints on full display.
"What if he doesn't join us? Or he hates me for lying?" I sit on the ground next to his chair.
"He won't, he was willing to murder someone to avenge you, now that the boy knows you live he will do everything to keep you." He ruffles my hair. I never had a great childhood or father, so when I met Grandfather I finally got that in life and I never want to let him down.
I nod at his words and smile, the world will change in two nights and I'll be there to watch it all. How exciting.

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