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I'm not as excited for this as I am for my other book 'Hate Me Harder' but I really wanted to write it when it was fresh in my mind.

Reminder: this is a short story. It will contain up to ten to fifteen chapters, each holding a set a 2000 words or so.

I hope you guys enjoy. I'm posting this part to know if I should continue fast or slow. Let me know on what you think.


Justin's POV

I pulled my jacket over, flicking through it again so there'd be no wrinkles. I hated wrinkles on clothes.

Ignoring how itchy my eyes were getting, I grabbed my bag on the left side of my desk chair, slinging it over my shoulders, grabbing the cane that I remembered to have placed on my bed.

Once I found it, I pulled at it, tapping it constantly on the wooden floor. I didn't like my floor but I had no other choices. I couldn't have a carpeted one because that would mean I have to be extra carful in my own room.

I moved out of the room, following the white blur changing whenever a furniture came into view. It was hard, barely in sight, but I was used to it. I knew the place well, I could walk around without my cane. But never with my eyes closed. 

Whoever thought that being blind meant seeing darkness is dumb. Period.

Sure, there are a few cases that people see darkness when they go blind but mostly, it's not. Most end up with the vision to see colors or shapes. They'd be able to make out what's in front of them with a bit of imagination.

Me? That wasn't the case. I couldn't see shapes or colors or darkness. It kills me.

"Justin, honey, you sure that you have everything you'd need?"

I wanted to roll my eyes. I was sure that I did, but I didn't know if it was a proper roll or not. I've only done it a few times and Faith, my sister, was there to tell me.

"Yes mum, I do. I only need my recorder and food." I shrugged my shoulder to feel the weight of my bag. Nothing.

"I just wanted to make sure Justin, don't give me that attitude of yours please."

I didn't know where she was, but by the sounds of it, I could guess that she was near the sink. I heard the cupboards open and close.

"Well, I'm sure he's feeling as anxious as you mum so don't go insane all over." 

It was Hope, my other sister. Younger than me, a grade lower and a sunshine. I didn't know how she looked, but from the constant visitors of friends she gets at home told me that she was indeed, beautiful. Plus, her voice said it too.

I felt something move to my left and noticed a dark color swish towards where mum was. "Good morning everyone, don't expect me to make diner tonight because Harry's taking me on a date. It's a special one. Our third anniversary! Could you believe it?! I can't believe it! It's been three years since he asked me out!"

"Good morning to you too, Faith," I mutter, flinching when I suddenly felt something poke me. I played with it, realizing that it was mum's hand. She gave me an apple and I gladly took.

Biting into it, I tried better to zone out of Faith's cheers. It was hard to, when you highly depend on your ears to get through the day. Faith was three years older than me but she never held it against me. She was an angel, just like her sister and always brought out the best in everyone. Still, she had swag.

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