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GUESS WHAT?! Another update?! What?!

I know, I myself don't have the patience to wait for Friday... hehe. have fun guys!

Reminder: I have chapter 9 updated a few or more hours ago. So, if you haven't read that, go and read that before you read this. It won't make sense unless.


Mike's POV

Three weeks later

"Don't think about it too much." I kissed Justin's forehead, before letting go and getting out of the car. Rushing around, I pulled the passenger side open, taking his bag in my hand.

"You know that my hands are fine. I'm blind not handless."

I rolled my eyes and he rolled it back. It still surprised me that he could do it so perfectly. "Yeah, but I want to pamper my boyfriend as much as I can."

He blushed and his ears turned red. I cooed at his cuteness, to which he tried to hit me but failed. I laughed at his attempt which only made him pout cutely. I leaned in, catching his lips with mine. 

He smiled into it, returning the favor and I knew he was biting back a moan. I wanted him to be loud so I bit on his bottom lip, ready to dive in when he suddenly pushed me away.

He was red all over, the glassy eyes almost showing some emotions of surprise.

"We're in public Mike!" He squeaked, bowing his head.

"So?" I asked, tugging his hand. He had his cane inside his bag since I insisted that he wouldn't need it. I was going to be with him the whole time anyway. "Who cares? Let's get this school day over with and get home for our date tonight."

I was excited for today because it's the day I'm going to officially ask him. Of course, we'd have so many days until we finish school but I planed to do it as soon as we're done. I was also nervous, because the whole dream would collapse with his word of no. he wouldn't say no right? If he did, i'll just have to persuade him, we had time on our side, I won't waste it.

Justin laughed as we tugged along into the over populated hallway. Some people looked our way, smiling while the others just continued to do their work. The friends I knew gave me a thumbs up while a few raised a brow. 

I ignored them all. Mostly because I was too focused on Justin. My eyes were just looking, not registering.

My boyfriend gasped all of a sudden. "Oh my god, Mike! It's the first day of term two and you're already thinking of going home!"

I chuckled with him. "Well, I'm more excited about our date than going home."

He rolled his eyes again. I'm going to have to stop him from doing that. What if it actually gets stuck for him? "It's not out first date Mike, don't be so excited."

"Well, I'm going to be excited for each and every date we go to because it involves a specific someone that I'm so in love with."

"Oh yeah? Well, I really, really like you back. But still, I'm starting to worry about your mental health." There he goes again, being that inner Justin he only showed here and there.

Ever since we actually got together, he'd slowly started to open up. He talked about himself more to me and told me all his likes and dislikes. He wasn't so stiff with me and relaxed into my arms easily. It made my heart melt.

"Finally, the lovebirds made it!" Janet had her arms open and I looked down at Justin to know that he recognized her voice. She hugged him first, to which he made a weird bird noise and then came at me. Sam gave me a fist to hit and we asked each other how our holidays were.

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