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Tell me what you think of the POV changes. If you want only Justin's POV or if you don't mind the two characters.


Mike's POV

Groaning, I tried my best to ignore the irritating alarm from my phone.

As if that wasn't enough, my bed suddenly bounced, causing me to shake and groan more, blocking my view from the outside world when I heard an even worse high pitched scream.


Oh god.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

No. No, let me sleep more.

"It's morning silly! Get out of the bed! Mommy wants you downstairs! Wake up Mikey! Wake up!"

I didn't have a shirt on and it became a disadvantage to me in a matter of seconds. I was being hit in the morning.

"Mikey Bwouny, if you don't, get up now, then mommy's going to never, ever, ever, make us breakfast!"

I got up alright and I made sure to cuff the little monster that ruined my good sleep. The little monster giggled as I continued to tickle both if its sides, growling to add sound effects.

"Mikey! NO! Stop! It tickles!" Lara escaped my grip successfully, her noodle-like, brunette curls moving every time she did something, and slipped out of my bed fast. Giggling and bouncing on every tiny step she took, she ran away from my room. "Mommy! I'm never waking up Mikey, ever, again! He's being meany!"

I chuckled, rubbing my eyes before I got to do my regular morning work. Showering and getting dressed, I tried to ignore how the clock would tick fast and I could hear the constant warning mum was giving me from downstairs. Slipping onto the first t-shirt I saw with the black jeans, I spray a little deodorant before taking my bag and making my way out.

Once I was down, in the kitchen, I had to duck from Lara's through of food and lean in fast to kiss my mum on the cheek.

"Good morning Mr. Late. The milk's back in the fridge."

I wished her back, glad to feel the cold box in my hand rather than warm ones. I liked my cereal with cold milk. I liked everything with cold milk. Except for coffee. Those had to be warm. The color of coffee itself proves the reasons to why.

"Mikey! You monster!"

I turned to find Lara sitting on her high chair, her hands busy playing with the food that's supposed to be inside the milk. Her bright blue eyes stared back at me and her whole face shined with the smile she was giving.

"Yes I am the big, bad monster. So don't come waking me up early in the morning or else I'm going to eat you from head to toe." Lara giggled but mum only gave me an are-you-kidding-me glare.

"I don't want to do all the work in the house Mike, so don't go stopping Lara helping me. She's an angel! Aren't you baby girl?"

Lara nodded big. I thought the head was going to fall off. She was always so hyperactive and she's only three.

She either behaves like a nine months old baby or a six year old know-it-all.

I made my seat across from her, shoving a spoon into my mouth, I scrolled through my phone.

"No phone on the table Mike."

I held it up for her. "Just a second mum." It's what always happened. She tells me no to phone, I ask for a few more seconds and end up using it anyway.

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