Chapter 21

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The rest of the school day had passed rather quickly for Danny. His last class of the day was study hall, he took the opportunity to head to the bathroom whist the halls were quiet. He could feel the energy radiating in the school, there was so much school spirit that it could rival Jazz at the pep rally.

Once he got into the bathroom he did a quick sweep just to make sure nobody else was in there with him, then locked the door before sitting just under the frosted window. Despite it being the middle of October the weather outside could challenge a good spring day, the sun was still shining bright and made the classroom that nice kind of warm that could easily put you to sleep. He was almost falling asleep just sitting in the boy's room before he remembered what he had come in there for.

He opened up his backpack and searched for the mirror that John Constantine had given him. Throughout the last class, he could hear the mirror screaming for Danny to answer it, luckily he was the only one to hear it. As he pulled out the mirror the face of a very pissed off John greeted him.

"Hey John, what's up?" Danny asked meekly and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"'What's up' he asks after ignoring us for over an hour! I have half a mind to summon you here to get your lazy ass to do the thing you asked us to do!"

"So, you made it to Amity ok?" He took no notice of John's supposed rage, he knew it was all bark and no bite.

"Yeah, yeah. The town's pretty fucking empty though, except those weird scientist guys examining everything. Look, how do we activate this portal thing?" John did a quick scan of the basement of the Fenton home. The dust had collected on every surface, cobwebs had collected in the corners of the room, but most of the weapons that were left there was still glowing their signature green, ready to be activated and used. Then finally the Ghost Portal was in view. Unlike the last time Danny saw it, the portal was shut down.

"Mom and Dad were able to activate it using the console next to the portal, it's probably and the button labelled on and off." The mirror then moved to show the image of said console.

"This looks like it, and it's literally labelled on and off." John scoffed as he pressed the button. The portal went from standby to making an audible whirring and humming sound, soon the portal started swirling the toxic green that Danny was very familiar with. "Now what, Casper?"

"Take the lid off the thermos, but do not activate it yet! Attach the open part of the thermos with the hollow circle on the console, now activate it." He watched as John pressed the button on the side of the thermos and Box Ghost pinwheeling out and into the toxic green portal. As soon as the box Ghost was out of sight he pressed the off button, making the portal return to standby. "Looks like you've got it under control, but I've got to go, school, you know."

"See ya, Casper." The mirror's surface swirled with light before it went completely blank and returning to a normal mirror. Danny sighed, he had half a mind to go back to the mountain to drop his things off, but with the thoughts of Vlad being around, he didn't want to be by himself.

He unlocked the boy bathroom door and slipped out, thanks to class still being in session the halls were peacefully quiet. He took the opportunity to head to his locker and secure his backpack, he'd done all his homework for the next day so he could easily pick it up tomorrow morning. Now, where could he go where he wouldn't be alone?

He wandered to the football pitch where he saw Coach Torres prepping the field and giving the football team some last-minute training. Though when Danny looked closer he could see how red the coach was and how he kept trying to do other tasks whilst coaching both the team of Hornets and the Bumblebees.

"Coach?" Danny walked up to the bamboozled teacher who nearly jumped out of his skin at hearing Danny's voice.

"Ah, Mr Soucie, what a pleasant surprise, what can I do for you?" He glanced over at his team just in time to see one of the players clumsily drop the ball and run past it like he still held of it. "¡Taylor! ¡recoger la pelota! ¡Taylor, detrás tuyo!"

"Are you alright Coach? You look a little stressed." Danny remarked unphased by his teacher outburst.

"Just a bit, I want to make sure everything's perfects, scouts are gonna be at this game, ya know. The other team is gonna be here soon, and there's so much to be done." He chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck with his clipboard under his arm. Coach Torres didn't look like the other coaches he had seen, most of them has been overweight, with a bit of an anger issue and not much going for them in the looks department. Coach Torres was the complete opposite, there was a rumour going around that he used to play soccer professionally before he had a major leg injury and forced him to retire early.

"Need any help with anything?" Danny offered and the coaches composure completely relaxed.

"Gracias, Danny. That is much appreciated, would you put up some more of those posters and put fresh water bottles in the away changing rooms." Danny nodded and got to work.

He picked up the remaining posters that were coloured in bright yellows, oranges and purples celebrating and rooting for the Hornets. He took the tape and started on the front of the bleachers, making sure that everyone could see them but not covering up the sponsors. Danny started to feel himself relax, he felt safe here where others could see him, sure he wasn't the main focus of attention, but someone would notice if something were to happen to him.

Sighing as he finished putting up the posters, he then went to the water bottles. He decided he better take them to the girls changing room first, if the bus was to arrive soon he wouldn't want to be caught in the girls changing room alone. He dropped the packet of water bottles on the bench and scurried to the exit, glad that they hadn't arrived yet. He went out and grabbed the other pack of water bottles, his coach smiling at him as he walked past. As he reached the boys changing room he heard voices on the other side of the door. He thought nothing of it as he knocked and walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I brought some water bottles for you all." He dropped the packet on the bench near the door and looked up. He was met with very familiar faces, all of their eyes were wide with shock and mouths agape. "Shit."


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