Chapter 34 - Misplaced part 2

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Both the adult team and the teen team had figured out how to communicate with each other. How? By a reluctant Billy Batson revealing that he is indeed the worlds mightiest mortal, Captain Marvel. And it all started with the Adult team arguing amongst themselves while a smug John Constantine and a nervous Captain Marvel stood to the side.

"How are we going to do this?" Flash started as he paced in front of the globe that had a recently appeared red dot over Roanoke Island, "we know where we need to go, but if Klarion, a teenager, is there then the Young Justice team needs to be there as well, and we need to be there to fight the adults, but how would we know that they know that we know-" Flash continued on a tangent after that.

Constantine smirked as he brought out a cigarette, he put it to his lip but thought better to light it when he was not in a room filled with heroes.

"So-" Constantine began but was quickly cut off by Captain.

"Don't even start."

"I haven't even said anything yet."

"It's the yet part that I was worried about, you were gonna say something like," Marvel clears his throat and puts on his best Constantine impression, "'you gonna put them out of their misary kid, you could solve their problems with one word.'"

"Heh, you said it kid, not me."

"What if they kick me out?"

"Like that would stop you from helping people, you and that saying, what was it again?"

"It's what my parents told me, do good and good will follow... how do you do that?"

"Don't know what you're talking about mate."

Batman stopped the Flash mid-rant before he wore a hole into the floor. " We have no way of contacting the Young Justice team, but they are smart and I believe in their abilities to figure out what we have found out."

"So you're suggesting that we head out without any assurances that the team understand the assignment?" Black Canary proclaimed.

"It's a risk, but it's one we're going to have to make with no way to communicate with the team." Batman defended.

Constantine cleared his throat to gain the Heroes attention.

"You have something to add Constantine?" Giovanni Zatara spat out, he glared at the occultist and if looks could kill.

"Not me mate, Cap has something he wants to tell you lot." They all turned to Cap, the ten-year-old inside of him squirming at all the adult's eyes on him but with the Courage of Achilles he could shove down the nerves.

"I'm not sure how, erm, I swear I was going to tell you all, like, not in a life-threatening situation kind of thing, but I've been part of the League for two years now and I trust you all, and this is the perfect time to tell you all those rumours about me being Kryptonian are completely wrong, totally off the mark-" he suddenly felt an elbow in his ribs as Constantine coughed.

"You're rambling kid."

"Oh right, erm, so I can't exactly show you right now, but my real name is Billy Batson and I will be able to communicate with the Young Justice team, well, erm, because I'monlytenyearsold."

The league blinked. Captain had spoken the last part faster than the flash could run. Only Batman and Constantine understood the kid since they were the ones that know his little secret.

"Try again kid, but slower." Constantine tried to reassure

"Ok, I said that I'm only ten years old."

Then the room was alive with voices, most of the heroes yelling. The loudest was Wonderwoman, Superman who was arguing with Flash and Constantine who were defending Billy.

"Enough." Batman's voice wasn't loud by any means, but it cut through the mountain silencing everyone. "Now is not the time for this. Captian, can you inform the team of our plan and relay their information to us?" Captain Marvel nodded his head as his response.

"No killing each other while I'm gone." He sent a pointed glare at Constantine who just shrugged and looked away from the other boy he thought of as a nephew.


Billy blinked away the light in his eyes from the lightning strike. In front of him, all movement had stopped as he stared at the teens that made up the Young Justice team.

"Oh good, we were right." Billy started to move forward but soon found that the ground was no longer underneath his feet.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" Robin asked. Billy bent his head to look behind him only to come face to face with a stoic looking Superboy. Billy was currently being restrained in his arms, lifted up from the ground with one of Superboy's arms around his waist and the other hand gripping one of his arms.

"Erm, do you want the long version or the short version?" Billy asked as he turned back to the boy wonder. He received glares from everyone except M'gann, "ok, short version then, erm, my name's Billy Batson and I'm Captain Marvel." The room gaped at him in disbelieve and Superboy almost dropped him.

"Try again, and make it believable this time." Artemis threatened. Seriously, who threatened and ten year old who's learning magic, though they don't know that this particular ten year old is learning magic.

"I'm telling the truth, Connor can you please put me down? My arm's going numb." He looked back at the clone in question, who faltered at hearing the name M'gann gave to him. As did the rest of the team, they had no idea how this kid knew Superboys civilian name.

Superboy glanced at Aqualad who nodded his head. He instantly lowered Billy to the ground at their leader's approval.

"He's either very good at lying or telling the truth, his heartbeat didn't pick up."

"How the-" Wally stopped as he looked at Billy, registering there was a kid in the room that was younger than Robin, "How the heck, is a ten-year-old the mightiest mortal?"

"Magic," Billy spoke with jazz hands. The team could feel a headache and grey hairs coming along. "Alright, so Batman told me to tell you, that the magic that is separating our worlds is coming from Klarion and to go to Roanoke Island, I'll probably be changing back and forth to relay information, but yeah, you just need to prepare for a fight against Klarion and head to Roanoke."

This got the team moving.

"Shazam!" Captain Marvel stood in front of the adult, "we're good to go."

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