Chapter 24 - All Hallows Eve - Part 1

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Danny had to lose that stupid bet to Peter, didn't he? Another strike for the Fenton luck. Peter had bet him that if the Ravens won the football game he would stop bugging him about joining the theatre club, but if the Hornets won he'd have to join the theatre club and let him pick out Danny's Halloween outfit. Danny had agreed to it, only because he knew how competitive Dash could be. What he didn't account for was how competitive the Hornets were. The Hornets won by one point.

Phantom was hovering in the lounge watching M'gann dressed as a zombie bride, Wally who was dressed as a werewolf, and Connor who was dressed, somewhat poorly, as a mummy, M'gann was still helping him wrap up. They were getting ready to go to Happy Harbor high school's Halloween party.

"Are the others not going?" Phantom asked as he flicked a fake whisker on Wally's cheek.

"Kal sort of has plans, but Robin said once he's finished talking to Batman he'd join us," M'gann explained. Suddenly Phantom was grateful for the costume Peter had picked out for him, he had been sending Danny pictures of it all week, he shuddered. But at least he'd be unrecognizable at first.

"Hey, guys!" Captain Marvel flew in from the zeta tube connected to Fawcett City. He had white face paint on that sort of made him look like a zombie.

"Captain, you look terrific," M'gann said which caused the captain to proudly put his fists on his hips, "are you going to a Halloween celebration too?" As soon as the words left her mouth his proud posture changed and his smile changed into a frown.

"Well sure, I'm going with- eh, I mean, you did invite the whole team, right?" Phantom felt sorry for the man and M'gann was definitely not picking up what he was putting down.

"Yeah, we'll all be at the dance. So, don't worry about us, go, have a good time at your party." With that, the zeta tube announced the arrival of Artemis who was dressed as a vampire, and Zatanna who was dressed as a witch.

"Hey Zatanna, you look great," Artemis stated as they walked towards the others.

"Oh, thanks, you too," They stopped once they were close enough to the team, "Oh look, zombie Captain Marvel, that's hilarious. Is the Justice League having a party? Cause my dad didn't mention it." Phantom really felt for the captain right then.

"No, no, see I-," he scratched the back of his, trying to think of something to say, "fine, I'm going trick or treating." He flew off back to the zeta tube that would take him to Fawcett City, the tube announcing his departure.

"That was really cold you guys." Phantom blurted out just as the zeta lights were dimming.

"What are you talking bout?" Wally asked as he munched on a bag of crisps that Phantom didn't even see him get.

"He wanted to come to the high school party, he looked really excited about it as well." Phantom explained as he looked up at the clock.

"Oh! I feel really bad now." M'gann muttered.

"Ok, self-learning aside, I've got to go. See ya!" Phantom waved to them as he took off to the school and phasing through all the hard objects that would hurt if he hi them. Peter had told him to meet him in the Theatre Club room. Once outside the school and in his usual alley he changed back into his human half and headed inside.

Megan, Connor, Wally, and Robin arrived outside the gymnasium fifteen minutes later, the party was already raging inside. It had taken all of Wally's effort to get Robin to join them, in the end, Batman insisted that Robin goes to the party if only to get rid of Wally during their important meeting.

"Wally, what am I even meant to be?" Robin asked as he looked down at himself.

"You're a witch boy, can't you tell by the cape and the floppy hat," Wally explained as he lifted his friend's black velvet cape up to reveal silver glitter stars underneath it. Robin crossed his arms and raised a single eyebrow, "Ok, ok, it was the only thing we had spare in the mountain." The boy wonder sighed as they headed into the party.

As they entered the team notice just about everyone is dressed as justice league members, much to Connor's annoyance there were more than a few teens dressed in a padded Superman suit.

"Mal, Karen, Wendy, Marvin!" Megan called to her friends who were congregated around the punch bowl. They too were dress as members of the justice league, Black Canary, Superman, Batman, and Karen dressed as a Bumblebee. "Guys, these are my friends Robin and Wally."

"Hello, ~ ladies~"

All of them ignored Wally's comment. "Have any of you seen Danny? I've been texting him but he won't answer." Megan asked as she brought out her phone just in case she did receive a text from the teen. Mal and Marvin sniggered slightly.

"He's been kidnapped by Peter, the only rules are you have to guess who he is, and honestly he's almost unrecognizable." Mal chuckled as he thought about it.

Connor and Megan looked around the gymnasium, hoping to spot their friend. "So, what does Danny look like?" Robin asked wanting to help in the game of where's Danny.

"Black hair, blue eyes, shorter than me." Connor chipped in helpfully. They stopped their search when they spotted Peter talking to a girl they hadn't seen before, maybe he had brought her here as they did with Robin and Wally.

"There's Peter, by the punch bowl. Let's go over, I'll introduce you two." She smiled as she looked at her teammates. She quickly made her way over to the older boy her arm stretched high above her in a wave, she didn't look back to see if the others had followed her, but hearing the footsteps that followed her she guessed they had. "Peter!" She called out. The older boy turned with his own dazzling smile and wave.

"Megan! Connor," the older boy turned to them with his own dazzling smile and wave, he nodded his head at the other students, not knowing their names but knowing they went to the school, then turned his focus to Wally and Robin. "Who're your friends?"

"This is Robin and Wally, friends from an outside club." She introduced the boys who both gave polite nods. "So, who's your friend?" Megan took note of the other girl. She was, in her opinion, very pretty, a little goth, but pretty.

She had straight waist-length black hair, with a side fringe that was kept in check by a red hairband. She had make-up on that brought out her pale blue eyes, matte black lipstick, sparkly red eye shadow with a smoky eye, and dramatic eyeliner. Her face didn't have a blemish in sight, if Megan didn't know any better she would say she was a doll. She stood taller than some of them, though not as tall as Connor thanks to her black heeled platform boots, which had many silver buckles on them. She also wore nude tights that had little black bats on them, a deep red knee-length suede layered flare skirt with corset laces in the front. A lace black bralette top with a mesh black long sleeve top over it. To Megan, she looked familiar but she couldn't quite place her.

"Guys, this is Danielle." Peter introduced.

"I asked you not to call me that." That voice definitely did not match the person.

"Danny?" Megan asked as she eyed the girl.

"Yeah, it's me, and before you say anything, this wasn't my idea," Danny replied pinching the bridge of his nose. It was then that they noticed that even his nails were pained.

"Ye- bu- What?" Wally stuttered as he stared at the gorgeous girl in front of him. How can this beautiful girl be a dude?! Wally regretted many of the things he was just imagining.

"Lost a bet to the guy in the Chiffon skirt," He looked over to Peter who was indeed wearing a Chiffon skirt, "But I think I'm making these high heels work."

Robin stared intently at Danny through his sunglasses. He was trying to find the similarities between the Danny in front of him and Danny Fenton who Batman and he was looking for, but due to his 'costume' Robin couldn't determine anything, he could be wearing a wig, coloured contacts. It looked like Danny had had his legs waxed. Ouch.

Danny smiled. He could feel Robin's eyes on him, knowing the boy couldn't gather any information with his current appearance, he smiled. His plan had worked.

"You can walk in those heels?" Wally suddenly asked eyeing the large boots. Honestly, they looked like they could break a neck if they weren't careful.

"Let's just say, I've had practice." Danny was turning more and more into a mystery. 

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