Chapter 26

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Over the last month, Danny had gotten used to his nice warm bed in mount justice, the fluffy duvet and blankets, the plump pillows that were now exactly the way he liked them. What he was lying on then, was not his bed. It was not even close to his bed. The fabric was rough and scratchy, the pillow he was resting on was lumpy. Altogether, Danny was uncomfortable. But the kicker was a warm weight resting on his chest.

Danny peeked open his left eye only for his vision to be filled with fluffy black hair. His thoughts returned to the previous night. What happened at the school dance, then the occult party. Everything was going great, he was having an amazing time, Billy had gotten him to dance. And the kid could dance, his movements showed that he didn't have a care or worry in the world. It was contagious and Danny found that he was soon dancing the same way.

Then they met Klarion, who, at first he didn't realise that Danny wasn't a guy and started flirting with him, Danny revealed to him that he was indeed a guy. Klarion continued to flirt with him. Then he gave both Danny and Billy a drink. He sniffed at it and smelt something sweet, so thinking that it was juice he took a sip. It tasted as sweet as it smelt. It wasn't until the third drink that he found out it was mead, and by then he was too influenced to care.

He couldn't remember the rest.

"Danny?" A soft voice called from his chest. The little fluff ball lifted his head revealing the tired blue eyes of Billy, who couldn't be bothered to move from Danny's chest and the blanket covering them.

"Hey, kiddo," Danny called back. That was all that Billy needed as he snuggled back into the teen's chest and wrapped his tiny arms around him. From what John had told him about Billy, this might have been the safest the kid had ever felt if he was comfortable enough to sleep on the teen. Then a realisation hit- "When did I turn human?"

"When we got to Mystic Manor, you were too tired to keep it up, then we put on music and annoyed Mister John with our dancing and out of tune singing," Billy replied.

"So- are you gonna tell anyone?"



"I'm Captain Marvel, I know your secret, you might as well know mine since we kind of work together." He was too tired to deal with the fact that he currently had a sleepy superhero on his chest.

"Cool, knew you were the best hero."

"Morning boys," John walked into the room holding two brown bags with yellow M's printed on them, "got you a hangover cure, I didn't know what you liked so you've got cheeseburgers and a lot of fries." John set the bags down on the coffee table opposite the couch they were sleeping on.

"Thanks, John," Danny spoke as he started sitting up earning an annoyed cry from the boy now in his lap. Billy quickly snatched the blanket and cocooned himself in it. Danny looked down at himself and found that he had changed out of his outfit from last night and was now wearing a pair of sweat pants and a plain white top that was way too big for him.

"Courtesy of Chas," John notice the teen questioning glance at his clothes, "and don't worry, you dressed yourself... mostly." The magic caster grabbed a handful of fries before he disappeared into another door.

Both the boys quickly devoured the meal, Danny sparing most of his fries for the kid as he practically inhaled them. Then he heard the antique grandfather clock chime once, catching his attention. It was either 1 a.m. or afternoon, and if it was the afternoon Danny was doomed. He was super late for team training.

"I've got you covered," John somehow appeared holding a carrier bag of Danny's clothes from the night before, including his hair extensions and false eyelashes. How peter knew how to do make-up like he did was beyond him, he was a true artist. "Just get a shower and I'll take you to the mountain, I'll deal with any leaguers." The teen nodded as he shoved the last of his burger into his mouth and headed through a door he presumed was the bathroom, that gods for instincts.

After half an hour, and a fresher, more awake Danny exited the bathroom he was treated with the sight of John Constantine teaching Billy Batson a light spell. Like they had at the occult party last night, the room had many floating lights around the room. Danny had no idea that was magic, he thought they had just released a bunch of fireflies last night. He gaped in awe at the sight.

"Right, Casper, let's get you back to the league." Danny nodded and changed into his ghostly self. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Phantom suddenly felt something tackle him, almost knocking him over. He gentle ruffled Billy's back hair and returned the hugs. "See you soon, Billy. You have got to show me how you do that light trick."

"Yeah, I'll save that for next time we met and we're not heroes."

With that, John opened a golden portal the sight on the other side no visible due to the swirling gold. John stepped through first, quickly followed by Phantom. Then the Portal closed.

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