Chapter 30

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After sobbing for what felt like days, but in reality, was only half an hour, he wiped the tears and snot on the sleeve of his hoodie. He cringed at the rough fabric against his puffy eyes and red nose. He knew that he probably looked like a disaster and his sorrow wasn't even over. Danny still had to face Sam and Tucker.

For the next hour, he told his parents and Jazz everything. The fact that he was Phantom, what Vlad had done to him, what had happened in the last few months. Everything. He bared his heart to his family, even though he knew they couldn't respond. He wondered how they would have reacted to all of this. He sighed as he picked himself off the ground, he was glad he was wearing dark clothes otherwise he would definitely have had grass stains on his legs.

He walked a little further down the path. By now his throat was scratchy and sore, every word he spoke was a scream, a silent apology as he begged for forgiveness. He wished he had the foresight to bring a bottle of water with him, but he didn't expect to completely break down at the foot of his family's graves. He kept his head down as he walked, his fluffy hair, which had grown so much longer and could probably be put up in a low ponytail, covered his face. Hiding his heartbroken expression so the world couldn't bear witness to his misery.

Danny passed many crumbling and forgotten gravestones as he headed to the very end. Tucker and Sam's graves were practically next to each other. Suddenly his heart went out to Mr and Mrs Foley and Mr and Mrs Manson, no parent should have to bury their own child, let alone their only child. And it was all his fault. He wouldn't blame either pair of parents if they completely hated him for what he did, for him living whilst their children never made it to adulthood. He slowly sank to his knees in front of their graves.

'Tucker Foley, a beloved son. We will never forget you. Age 14. 23rd May 1997 - 17th May 2011'. Tucker's birthday was less than a week away before he died. Sam and he had so many plans that they could treat Tucker to on his birthday, he hadn't even had the chance to turn fifteen.

'Samantha Manson, Our adored daughter. Not a day will go by that we will not think about you. Age 15. 23rd April 1997 - 17th May 2011'. Mr and Mrs Manson went all out with Sam's gravestone. While the other's were a simple plain stone with the words engraved in them, Sam's had a picture of her and engraved flowers surround the picture. Sam would have hated it.

He had no idea what he wanted to say to his friends. No, that wasn't true. He had so much he wanted to say to them. He wanted to say sorry, sorry that he lived whilst they couldn't anymore. Sorry that he involved them in all his shit. Sorry that he got them killed. But his voice was so scratched and sore that when he did open his mouth nothing came out.

'Maybe saying nothing would be better. Nothing I say will make any of this better. I'm such a fucking coward.' Danny sighed as he lowered his head. He read the graves over and over again, to the point that they were probably engraved in his mind. 

He slowly rose to his feet. "I miss you guys. I know it's too late, but Sam, I love you. I was just too much of a coward to say it to your face when you were here. I miss our late nights, playing DOOM or even patrolling the town. Nothing's the same without you guys, you were my everything." He had nothing left to say.

Danny spared a glance at his teacher's gravestone. 'You shouldn't have been caught up in all of this.' He had done enough damage for the day and left the graveyard. He was about to walk away and head back to Dash's house when he heard someone call out for him.

"Hey, young man." The woman in front of him was a woman the whole town knew.

"Hello, Vicar." He spoke respectfully to the woman in front of him. She was wearing a light pink baggy cardigan over her black shirt where the white clerical collar stood out and a simple black pleated skirt.

"I heard you in the graveyard, here." She held out a water bottle to him that was already dripping with condensation. He hesitantly took the bottle grateful to the vicar.

"Thank you, Ma'am." He gently unscrewed the lip and took a few sips. Relived as the cold sensation flowed down his throat and soothed the aches.

"It's no problem, young man. If you ever need someone to talk to, I have two perfectly good ears to lend." He smiled softly. He didn't deserve this woman's kindness.

"Thank you, Ma'am." He repeated. The woman looked like she wanted to say more but chose against it. She didn't want to push the teen after all and simply headed back to the church.

He took another sip of water before screwing the lid back on and shoving the bottle into his hoodie pocket along with his hands. He started his walk back into town and passed many places he didn't notice on his way there. The main street had been updated, there were a few more clothing boutiques, a cafe called 'Spill the Tea', Danny absolutely wanted to check that out, and a few more restaurants. He wasn't feeling up for looking around anymore. But as he stepped foot in the park, in the centre of town, simply to half the time of his journey. When he was stopped once again.

"Daniel Fenton." Danny recognised that voice. It was gruff and deep, with a brooding undertone. Without turning around to face the man behind him, he spoke.

"Batman, heard you've been trying to track me down."

"So, you knew?" A different voice chimed in. One that was much younger than the Dark Knight's. In a panic, Danny spun around to face the duo. Robin's eyes widened a fraction.

Robin took note of Danny's appearance. The teen had light blue eyes that would probably be mistaken for other colours under certain lights, the teen also stood at least five foot seven give or take a few inches. His skin was pale, much like Robin's own, but unlike Robin, he had dark circles under his puffy red eyes. And the teen's charcoal black hair was fluffy and longer than the picture Batman had shown him. If Robin didn't know any better, without his mask, he and Danny would certainly pass as blood-related brothers.

"Yeah, known for a while," Danny looked down then off to the side. Watching the trees rustle as the wind blew through the leaves. "So, is this the part where you take me back to my fruitloop of a godfather and completely ruin my life?" He asked rather bluntly, hiding all emotion from his voice.

"Your godfather is concerned for your safety." Batman began.

"Bullshit! He just wants to control me. Let me guess, you owed him a favour and he called it in." Danny practically screamed, his voice breaking at the end.

"Why did you run?" Robin asked. For some reason the boy wonder looked at the boy with concern, he reminded him of someone, though he couldn't place it.

"I'm sure you're aware the police and social workers reacted way too quickly to the case, Vlad probably knew something was going to happen then swooped in," Danny took a deep breath and circled his arms around himself in a pitiful hug, "he's... done stuff- bad stuff- to me and my family before. I knew if I just let him take me more bad stuff would happen." 

"I'm sorry Daniel, but we have to deliver you to your Godfather, he is your legal guardian now." Batman may have to take this child away, but he'd be damned if he didn't keep an eye on the kid. He knew Vlad was shady as fuck, and the teen had only further confirmed it.

"I understand." Danny allowed the duo to lead him to the batmobile. His wonder and awe of the vehicle were replaced by dread and fear.


A few days had passed since Robin had watched Danny be lead into Vlad's mansion. Vlad had made a show of hugging the teen and fussing over him. But now Robin was sat in the living room of Mount Justice with the whole team, minus Phantom, the T.V playing mind-numbingly boring shows. When the sound was replaced by the new reporting 'breaking new'.

"It was reported yesterday that the missing teen Daniel James Fenton has returned to his Godfather Vlad Masters." The news anchor had a picture of what Danny currently looked like up on the screen. Both M'gann and Connor gasped in astonishment. "Mr Masters is pleased that his Godson is home and he can properly take care of him, but that leaves the question of why he went missing in the first place. Is this the happy ending of a kidnapping? We may never know." With that, the news cut off and continued playing the boring shows.

"It was Danny the entire time." M'gann gasped out as tears ran freely down her cheeks.

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