Spiritual Space I

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A white snowy owl stayed near a lying body; those golden eyes looked at that lying body without any rest. If there any people there, they surely would realize the concern and worry in those eyes.

"Uhh" groaned that person

"Host, Dylan" called that snowy owl softly

That lying person happened to be Dylan. Dylan slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings.

"Where is this?"

"Finally, you awake"

"That voice, is that you Alpha? Where is this"

"Um. This is your spiritual space, the place where you'll have your rest from each world"

"Ok, wait you are an owl?"

"This is my form in spiritual space"

"So, you have a physical body in real world?"

"My information is limited to that area, and host, are you ok?" asked Alpha worriedly.

Alpha truly worried of Dylan's mental state because this was only first world and Dylan looked so attached to it. In first world, Dylan and Aaron truly love each other until they grew old together and in the last breath, Aaron still eagerly hold Dylan's hand to make sure that they wouldn't separate and to be reincarnated together in the next life.

Hearing that question, Dylan just kept silent until finally said

"I know this is my own wish, and I should know the consequences and to tell you the truth I feel so grateful of ever having loving life like that, so I am ok" smiled Dylan

"Host, each world is the real world, the people inside are the real one, although you occupied existed body it can't deny the fact that you are also them, so how about just think it as reincarnation?"


"Yes, you can live in each world like it's the right thing to do, you enjoy your life there and if you find the one you love, you can spend your time there till the end of time in that world"

"But I love Aaron, and if in the next world I'll be with someone else, that's mean that I'm cheating right?"

"Host, you can't deny the fact that Aaron wasn't there anymore. That's the fate God gives him"

"I know"

"Host, another way is by gaining emotional healing to stabilize your mental state"

"What do you mean?"

"To make sure that every host assigned can do their duty well, the good and positive mental state is a must so The World Management Bureau has prepared the healing of emotion Centre to help the host who had hard time to nullify the emotion attached from the previous mission"

After a long time of silence, Dylan finally decided.

"Will I forget Aaron?"

"No, but time and healing will help to lessen the negative feeling"

"Let's do it after we hand in the review"


"Well, you said you will help me right, hehe"

"Host, I believe I had given you the format and reminder to do that" glared Alpha coldly

"Oh noo, where is my cute and sweet Alpha" said Dylan coyly

In the end, Alpha still gave him help under Dylan's whining that this was his first report to be handed in. Beside handing in the report, Dylan also need to present the report in front of the judges and the supervisors assigned by the higher ups.

"Alpha, if this is spiritual space where there aren't physical body, do judges and supervisors will appear in human form like me or animal form like you?"

"Unfortunately, neither of them"


"You will face screen only, where their respond toward you will be transcribed into sentence in that screen, so rest assure, you won't face them directly"

"Ok then, let's go"

If the spiritual space's time was converted into Dylan's real world, it would be 3 days 2 night. Yes, the presentation took 3 days 2 night which exhaust Dylan so much.

"Alphaa, I've never heard of this looooongggg presentation before. Was this really presentation or killing me?!ughh" groaned Dylan weakly on his spiritual space's bed.

"You are the first person who did this. Like I said before, supervising host and the system is the new one in this Bureau"

"Then, how about other hosts?"

"The systems do the report, not host"

"And, that long?"

"No, you are the one"

"Does that mean, I'm cool?"

"Yes, you are when you change the 'c' with 'f'"

"Ay, not with your sarcastic and cold tone Alpha, hehe"

"Host, next your healing. Going now?"


After few months of healing, Dylan came out with more positive vibe. Alpha also glad to see Dylan finally back to his perverted and scummy self, well Alpha also couldn't accept the fact that Alpha finally had not much rejection toward Dylan perverted and scummy thought.

"Host, do you remember the things from the presentation?"

"Which one? There's too much you know" cried Dylan

"Let me remind you for the more than thousand time that, the first world is only the trial, that's why they let you do anything you want there, but it will be different from the second world"

"I know, I think hehe"


"Oh, you are swearing? hohohoho"

Alpha with its owl body use his wing to smack Dylan's head.

"Ouchh, it hurtss"

"Serve you right for neglecting your duty"

"Ay, ay just kidding, hehe"

"Start from the second world, there will be kind of mission that you need to be accomplished"


"Me, Alpha as a system will help you only a little bit since you need to do most of it by your own ability"


"You understand, right" gritted Alpha

"I am, I am, now come come, let's go to the next world, piu piu" said Dylan while moving his hand in the action of shooting something and smiled to Alpha widely.

"Very well"

Dylan lost his consciousness on the bed, and together with Alpha, they went to the second world. 

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