Arc 2: Three Mafia Heads Fight for My Attention (9)

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"Sir, this is the latest photo taken this morning"

The said man took the photo with much interest, even his cold and arrogant demeanor couldn't hide his interest of looking at it. Suddenly, the air became cold and the man who gave the photo shivered uncontrollably.

"Who is this man beside him?"

"T-that, you just said just to follow him so, we didn't investigate to that point, we apologize sir" said that man while bowing numerous time

"Seems like your ability is deteriorating, all of you need advance training"

Not only the man who gave the photo but also a lot of people standing there trembling in horror, imagining their cold, domineering and cruel boss giving them training.

"This sly rabbit, having fun with another man after poking my interest, hmm" said Cao Mo Xiu while touching Dylan's smiling face in the photo.

Yes, that man was Cao Mo Xiu. After that slapping, he was so furious. He even tried to make Dylan's life miserable that day, but after cooling down, he thought that wasn't an important thing. So, he let Dylan go, even when Dylan worked in that bar, he ignored him. But somehow, he couldn't ignore Dylan. Whenever Dylan went, his eyes would linger on him unconsciously.

Cao Mo Xiu was a man in control, everything was under his order and his calculation. Those have made him become the most respected underworld boss in Asia, even other group's bosses in another continent couldn't underestimate him. The way he thought lead to his recent activity. Stalking Dylan, without he realized.

At first, Cao Mo Xiu was curious about Dylan, so he made brief investigation about him like his detail identity, the university he attends, the place he lives and so on. Feeling not enough, he made some of his underlings to follow Dylan and report everything to him with photographs.

Cao Mo Xiu still stand near the window, looking at Dylan's photo, contemplating. His right man, Wang Yu, walked closer to him and calmly said

"If you like this person, how about we meet Mr.Giano to ask for his love suggestion?"

"Do you think I am inferior to him?" ask Cao Mo Xiu sharply

"No, but Mr.Giano seemed experienced from his carefree and playful attitude"

"In other words, I am not attractive?"

"Of course, no, how many women and men out there dreaming of climbing your bed, I'm just saying that you are quite bad in having real romance like liking someone and etc" said Wan Yu in his flat and unemotional face.

"Wang Yu, seems like you don't want to live anymore and who said that I like him? I'm just curious" said Cao Mo Xiu menacingly.

"Yes, you don't like him and just curious"

"Who had said I don't like him?"

Seriously-I-don't-be-paid-enough-for-this-shit's-face Wang Yu only be quiet while standing professionally looking at his slow employer that also his childhood friend.

"Then, what's your next plan?" asked Wang Yu

"Nothing, I don't want to get entangled far with this curiosity"

"Yeah, said a man who had slept with boys who had resemblance to that boy"

"Whatever" gritted Cao Mo Xiu

"If you are really curious about him, then why don't you force him to sleep with you since he is just a no backing poor student?"

"I've never bedded people who are not willing"

"Hmm, good son" said Wang Yu while patting Cao Mo Xiu's shoulder.

Receiving that pat, the corner of Cao Mo Xiu's lips twitched, planning to strangle this childhood friend of his to death.

"Forget it, let's go to this noon's appointment"

"Yes" said Wang Yu while slightly bow and walked behind Cao Mo Xiu.

In N University, Dylan walked beside Josh who looked nervous.

"Are you feeling nervous for meeting your new friends?"


"Relax Josh, you are a great guy, they will glad to have a friend like you. Just be yourself" smiled Dylan.


"It will start in 15 minutes, right? Just go then. Don't forget to call me when it's finished, I will pick you up and we are going to have dinner outside"


Dylan walked back to exit gate when suddenly his wrist got hold by Josh.

"What's wrong?"

"Take care"

"Oh my, yes little brother, your older brother is going now" waved Dylan

After Dylan's shadow couldn't even be seen, Josh softly said

"Thank you"

Dylan took his time enjoying his one day off from the police and also from the bar. He strolled around, buying snack and ice cream and window shopping.

"You look carefree," said Alpha

"Of course, I am, I am so tired you know pretending to have class from morning till evening then working in a bar from evening till late night. I barely got any sleep" said Dylan while yawning.

"Don't worry, looking at Josh's condition now, you are getting closer to finish your job to be his guardian"

"Do you need me to wait for him to get married, having children and getting old?"

"Higher ups don't give exact condition, but looking at many good guardians around the world, it seems so"

"So sad, living for a long time without having sex, wuwuwu" cried Dylan

"You can try for living in a temple and cleansing your soul"

"Alpha, you ahhh" said Dylan with his weary expression

"So, what do you want now? Josh must be finish in the evening"

"What else, taking a nap, hehe"

That is, Dylan enjoying his day taking a nap before picking Josh up and having dinner outside. What a great way to spend your day off.

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