Arc 2: Three Mafia Heads Fight for My Attention (1)

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"Officer, Officer Dylan!"

Hearing no response, the person who called him getting furious. That person stand from his seat and walked to Dylan. He grabbed Dylan's shoulder and yelled in front of his face, with space less than 5 cm.

"Officer Dylan Wilde!"

Thunderous roared could be heard, not only in the room but also reach to the room next to it and outside. People who heard it could only be sigh and pitied the person who got the wrath from this demon Police Head.

Dylan, directly from the calm spiritual space got shocked with the extremely 'warm' welcome from the current condition. With the flesh memory, Dylan automatically saluted the Police Head and answered him,

"Yes, Sir!"

"How dare you day dreaming in front of me!"

"No, Sir!"

"No you say, then what was the fucking thing I've mentioned to you?"

Dylan tried to search the original memories and found nothing. Mr. Graham, the Police Head got all the veins on his head out before finally inhaling the air then exhaling it. He walked to his seat and took a thin document with a flash drive on top of it.

"Here take it, this is an undercover mission I've mentioned in your day dreaming state. You are the last one in the team. I've called them before you, so after this, quickly contact them. Remember to keep it secret to anyone, except from the team and me. We need to accomplish the mission to catch the traitor among us. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Good, now get out before I break your bones!"

Dylan walked out from the room, closing the door and went out the Police Force building with sympathetic eyes gazed on him. Dylan took the patrol car and went to the nearby café. Sitting near the window with his café latte, Dylan started his communication to Alpha.

"Alpha, I became a police officer in this world?"

"Yes, now are you ready receiving this world plot summary?"

"Yes, please send it"

Different from the harem dog blood drama in the previous world, this world focus on the struggle of a young orphaned boy for being a police officer who held justice even when facing the hardship. His name is Josh Laurent. Josh was found in the orphanage's gate unconscious at the age of 5 with amnesia, so he couldn't remember anything. Living in the orphan, Josh has become the good boy and also brother figure for everyone, although being a young and small boy, he's never been afraid of older people who bully him and his brother and sister from the orphan. 

At school, Josh even often be bullied for being the orphan, while the fact is most of student felt inferior to him for his high intelligent and being handsome. Living as orphan is hard, not only for Josh but also for other kids since they have to face mockery, being physically and mentally bullied, being accused for stealing and many more. Josh can't be adopted because he refused it. His dream for being a police officer is ignited more by his life experience for living as an orphan. He thought that, for orphan kids, even without parents they can get their happiness and justice, because being orphan is not their fault. Josh's journey will be filled with many brothers and sisters willing to follow him.

"Alpha, how come this world protagonist is so, so much make me want to cry"

"Well Risa in first world is an orphan too"

"Yes, but Risa, well she's different"

"They have different fate"

"I know, ok then, so what is the mission for me?"

"Your mission is being a guardian for Josh Laurent"

"Wait, I believe my duty is supposed to avoid the protagonist and the rest? Since I just need to make a review?"

"You ended be together with male lead though, so in this second world, the higher ups want to try something by making you a guardian for the protagonist"

"The higher ups really are strange" doubted Dylan

"I do think so"

"Well, whatever, I'm just low employee who need to work anyway" shrugged Dylan

"Good, now let's go to the alley next protagonist's school"

"For what?"

"Meeting him, defend him, and make him want to be adopted by you since he has refused many people already"

"Oh my, not only police officer but I will be a father too, I can't wait. But, don't boys in that age tend to throw tantrums?"

"He's not baby anymore, he is 17 years old"

"Even worse, teenager boys, ughh this will be hard"

"Yes, it is, so good luck"

"Alpha, your line is not soothing me at all" protested Dylan

"I don't have any intention to sooth you anyway, I stated the possible prediction"

Dylan walked out from the café with his pouted lips, taking the car and drive to the alley Alpha had mentioned before. Reaching his destination, Dylan parked the car and walked to the alley with his light step. There, Dylan heard the faint voice, groaning, walking closer, Dylan was presented with seven young boys lied on the dirty ground with their disheveled uniform, bloody and blue face and their painful groaning voice. Among those seven students, there was one student who stand proudly.

"Alpha, that boy, is he Josh?"

"Yes, he is"

"You said he is 17 years old?"

"Yes, he is"

"Then how come he has that kind of body?!" yelled Dylan sadly

"What do you mean?"

"Look at that wide shoulders, tall and strong body, and the most of all, that blue and cold eyes in his handsome face, even his blond hair, He is so fucking hot" squealed Dylan

Ah, yes, this perverted host thought Alpha

"And, look at me"

"What's wrong with you?" asked Alpha

"Between him and me, people might think that I am the student while he is the police. You know, I'm so cute with this police uniform. You know this quite tall and slender body, soft and white skin, soft brown eyes and hair on this delicate face. What a perfect, hehehe" laughed Dylan with his perverted mind.

"Yeah, right" said Alpha with his flat tone

"How come I became a policeman with this body anyway?" confused Dylan

That's also the thing that was in Alpha's mind. How come he became a policeman in that kind of body.


Dylan : Do you think it's weird with me being a police officer in that kind of body?

Author : What do you mean? What's wrong with having that kind of body with being a police officer?

Alpha : Seriously, what kind of country recruiting that kind of person to be a police officer?

Author : My country does. It's called Country Yeahright. Do you mind?

ML : I don't mind

Dylan : Me too, hehe

Author : That's my boys

Alpha : Regret for asking -_-

A/N : Whoaa, 3K reads, so happy, aw aw ヽ(>∀<☆)ノand now, welcome to the Arc 2 when police officer Dylan and Alpha fight the bad boys 

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