Arc 1: Campus Pentagonal Love (1)

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The night looked already late yet the frenetic night life just getting busier in the town near the beach, while the beach looked quiet and empty at night, there was a young man lying on the beach with his body all drenched by seawater.

"Ughhhh... I can't do it. Why does my life has to be like this" . Those pathetic line comes from a young boy with full-of-vitality-supposed-to-be while coughing and groaning.

"I believe, this is already stated in your contract and in fact clearly written" . The i-don't-care man voice just now answer him comes from his head.

"What is it? What it is already written? I didn't see it" :3

"That's your problem, not me. I'm just innocent system who come back from my furlough and then suddenly already bonded with you" -_-

"Wait a minute, is that supposed to be my line? I'm the host here, and all story that I read always stated that The Host is the one who is suddenly bonded with The System, not vice versa"

"Whatever, better for you to finish this quickly to gain more points since you've lost half of it"

"Ughh,this is my second ughhhh for the first day here you know. That's not my fault that I lost it, who can imagine that my first landing would be underwater and I'm almost drowning while you guys sell the first aid for drowning for 1000 p, I need refund you traitor! now I'm a poor handsome boy who only can sell his handsomeness " T.T

"This must because the body you take over is dead because of drowning. That's why you also were underwater" answer system while ignoring his host remark regarding his handsomeness

"Yeah yeah, in order to get into this world I need to take over someone's body who is not long dead. I feel like becoming haunted spirit. So what should I do next?"

"First, you know what kind of contract that you signed right?"ask system doubtfully

"Well, kind of watch over system?"

"You didn't read it.Supervisor System to be exact" answer system while face palming if system has hand.

"Haha, ok sooo uhmm. . ."

"I can't imagine I should explain it while you supposed to be read it on the contract. Don't you afraid of the things you'll face?" ask the system with concern.

"Woow, this is your first worry line. I feel so touched" >_<

System Alpha really can't comprehend this carefree host. System Alpha is recognised as elite System which is maintained well by the Central System and it focused on supervising many systems. It is not system who need to be bonded with the hosts. This is his first order to be bonded with host and while his duty is still the same that is "Supervise" but the thing to be supervised is different. Somehow Central System want to have detailed observant review of some worlds and System Alpha is trusted for doing it with a certain host.

 The works concept also different with another system, Central System has given full authority to System Alpha for doing its job, in fact no points needed to bargain in System Shop. The points that System Alpha mentioned before to avoid its host too spoiled and actually even without asked, System Alpha surely will save his host for any life-threatening situation no matter what. This kind of thought mysteriously attached to System Alpha's mind. System Alpha already check it's brain and there is no any virus which can make it thinks like this, so it just put this thought to think later and focus on the duty.

"Your duty with me is to supervise every world we visit and then make a clear and detailed review of it. I will assist you and it will match with your wish that is to gain a lot of material for your book when we back into your own world"

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