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IT'S been a month now since Blisse has arrived in Russia. Through all those days, there was no suspicious activity relating to Ruvim. He even went off the radar. Luiza hadn't contacted her at all, but Blisse knew she would eventually. Luiza forgave people too quickly. Faron and Jacinto have continued to monitor shipments coming in and out of Brazil. Konstantin continued to monitor his clubs in case Ruvim or his men came back.

Blisse and Konstantin have grown closer. After convincing her to move into his room, they've never been away from each other unless it was required. He often woke her up by kissing the top of her breasts, left for work, came back home to spend time with her, then the usual sex. They were in their own little bubble.

Blisse had grown soft.

"Haven't seen you in awhile," Faron announced once Blisse walked into the kitchen. He was sitting at the kitchen table on his laptop. A girl sat next to him, playing a game on her phone.


"Yeah, it's been awhile," Blisse answered. Irina glanced up once at Blisse and looked back down on her phone. Faron barely acknowledged her presence either.

"Aren't we here to find out who killed your parents?" Faron finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, but things-"

"But nothing." He closed his laptop and stood up, directing his gaze at her. He was angry. At her. He was never angry at her before.

"We came here to make a deal with that Russian so that he could track down that murderer, but what has he done instead? Fucked you more than he has even sat down to continue his job."

"He has trackers doing-"

"How do we even know if his trackers are even doing their jobs! For all we know, he could be faking it to keep you here longer. It's been a month now, Blisse. How much longer are we going to wait!"

She ran a hand through her hair, frustrated with the way this conversation was heading. "You can't expect him to find a killer within a month-"

"Someone who has connections like him could find them in a week! So you either tell him to quicken the pace or I'm going back to Brazil."

He walked out of the room, leaving Irina and Blisse in silence. She felt cold and hurt. Faron never talked to her that way before and it was all her fault. Maybe what he was implying was right. She has lost her true purpose of being here.

Irina finally turned off her phone and gave Blisse her full attention. "Are you alright, Blisse?"

"Yeah, why?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. You're just... you're not the way you used to be. You're different now. You've grown soft"

A sharp pain entered her gut.

"I mean I don't even know what happened, but any person who's known you for long enough can tell when someone like you is suddenly different."

The doorbell rang, cutting Blisse off from answering. Opening it she found Luiza sitting on the top step. Her clothes were wrinkly and her hair was dry. She wasn't wearing any shoes either.

"What is this hoe doing here?" Irina asked, however, Blisse paid her no attention. She was more concerned about the condition her sister was in.


Luiza turned around. Upon seeing her state, Blisse almost had to take a step back. Her face was black and blue. She was battered and bruised all over, blood sticking to her face and clothes. She probably ran from wherever she came from judging by the condition of her feet.

"What the hell happened to you?" Blisse asked, taking her inside the mansion.

She tried to speak but her lips were too bruised and swollen to move. After laying down on the couch in the living room, she fell asleep in seconds. Dimitri came out from one of the corridors carrying a bag. He paused when he saw the women in the living room.

"Oh my," he gasped out when he took in the state of Luiza. "What happened?"

"Not sure," Blisse answered. "Hopefully we'll get some answers when she wakes up."

Dimitri nodded. "I'll get someone to get fresh clothes ready. Oh, and Konstantin wanted to meet you in the garden. He had something important to share with you."

She nodded and went out to meet him. The garden was still gorgeous as ever. Ever since their "dinner" at the restaurant a couple days ago, they've been coming out here to spend more alone time with each other. Konstantin often took her on picnics here.

"Вишня," Konstantin hissed into the cool bubble around them. He was dressed in casual clothes: a gray t-shirt with sweatpants. [translation: cherry]

"What is it?" Blisse asked, sliding into the bench beside him.

"I wanted to inform you that I've tracked down the matches of the killer in the States." He gave her the tablet he was on.

All the aspects that made the killer were being used to track everyone in the United States. Despite the country's large population, only a few had visited Russia the year her parents were killed. It appeared the country had been on lockdown during that time, but the rich snobs still snuck out of the country for vacation. That narrowed it down to 20 people.

Konstantin took the tablet back, turned it off, and grabbed her hands. "I'm sorry for not finding a location sooner, I've been busy with other things."

Blisse showed him a ghost of a smile and brushed back strands of hair that fell on his forehead. "It's fine. It seems we both need a vacation."

He smirked, dropping an arm around her shoulder. "I may have a couple ideas in mind if you know what I mean."

She chuckled lightly, cuddling up closer to his side. "You tired me out too much this morning. My vagina needs a break."

"Alright, Alright, but I need to tell you something else."

At the seriousness of his tone, Blisse stared up at him. He rubbed his chin, letting out a sigh. "Ruvim contacted me this morning."

"About what?"

"I'm not sure. I tried opening up the email, but it needs your fingerprints." He grabbed his tablet and opened up a new window with the lock on the email. "You don't have to tell me what it saids, but if it involves getting you alone I'm coming with you."

She kissed his lips, eager to calm his troubled mind. He was on the edge on the whole Ruvim thing ever since they attacked his club and because of his alliance with Ciro and Raphael. Even with the secure security, he was still worried they would break in again for his files.

"I'll leave you alone now."

Bypassing the security system, she was anxious to open up the email from Ruvim, but he was bound to contact her sooner or later, so she swiped on the screen, pulling it up.

I heard you've been looking for your parents. Perhaps I could help.

An address listed below the short statement along with the words.

Meet me here in five days.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp object hit the side of her head and everything went dark.



you know we can't have a mafia book if someone doesn't get kidnapped :)

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