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KONSTANTIN was not the same man she had been introduced to when she first set foot in Russia.

This man was no longer in the mood for games. After choking her, he left her in his office and left the mansion. He was gone all night, but that was perfect because it gave her, Faron, Ruvim, Anastasia, and Irina time to prepare to take him down. Anastasia constantly reassured them that she had no idea of Konstantin's and her father's intentions nor the desire to join them. That was a good thing, seeing as she provided much help to the group.

Irina had contacted Rhea to tell her she wasn't going to come home for a while until everything with Blisse's mafia was settled. Rhea offered to send backup, but Blisse reassured her that they were fine and had all the back up they needed. Two days to prepare, and they were more than ready.

That morning, Blisse walked into the kitchen to find an unusual sight. Konstantin was baking chocolate chip cookies. She made herself known in the room, but he didn't turn around to acknowledge her, his focus directed toward the cookies he was pulling out of the oven.

Turning around to where she was standing, a bright smile shimmered onto his face. "Ah, there you are, cherry. I was just about to come up to you."

Did he forget about yesterday as if it was nothing?

"Come, come. I made you some cookies."

"Why?" Blisse asked suspiciously.

Konstantin had an expression of sincere and sadness. He was most likely faking it. If he wanted to, he would be the best actor in the business to innocent, naive girls.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. It was rude of me to speak to you in that way. I should've sat down and listened to you instead of lashing out. I hope your neck is healing nicely. As a peace offering, I made you cookies in hopes you would accept my apology."

He held one out to her, but she made no move to take it. He probably poisoned it or put a sedative in it to knock her out.

Konstantin, seeing as she wasn't going to eat it, tilted his head with that irking smile still plastered on his face. "Not even one?"

Blisse pushed the cookie away. "Answer my questions or you can forget about this stupid deal between us!"

He ignored her, instead turning to the sick where he seemed to be messing with something. When he turned back around, his expression turned dark. An evil smile plastered on his face as he held a syringe filled with clear liquid in his hand.

"It's time to pay for your sins," he said. He harshly grabbed her neck and inserted the syringe in her arm, causing her to pass out.


"Wake up, pretty bird."

Blisse's eyes opened and immediately squinted at the harsh light directed at her face. She was kidnapped once again, this time by Konstantin. She sat strapped to a chair, long pieces of cloth strapping her wrists to the arms of the seat. Nothing was bloody on her or around the room.

Not yet anyway.

She breathed heavily. Her brain was already forming up a plan to escape from the prison she was put in, but all those plans came to a halt when she looked up at the man seated a few feet in front of her.


Konstantin's father.

He wore a smirk on his face as he gazed upon the woman in front of him. He was dressed in all black, blending in with the partial darkness behind him. Black gloves covered his pale hands which were clenched into tight fists. He was obviously in on her kidnapping but he would be an easy one to take down.

"What do you want?" Blisse sneered at him, her hands clenching the ends of the arms of the chair in pure anger.

He ignored her question and instead took to circle around her, caressing her cheeks and touching some loose strands of her hair. "You've grown so beautiful, Blisse. I've been watching you since the day you were born and I don't regret it."

Disgust filled Blisse's insides as she gazed upon the kidnapper's father. She always felt someone was watching since her early childhood and now she knew who. The disgusting creature in front of her. The one who issued his son the command to have her parents killed all because he wanted their empire.

"Let's get one thing straight-"

"Ah, ah, ah," Daniil interrupted. "Only I'm making the demands around here. Seeing you here means you finally found out the truth, so let's cut to the chase. Hand over your mafia and I'll let you go."

"I don't care about me. My crew has to be no longer corrupted by you Russians. Even if you scar me for life, I won't give them up to you."

Daniil stilled, for a slight second or two. "You will or this war won't end well for you."

"Do I have any other choice?"

He leaned down, towards her ear and licked her earlobe. "There's always another choice. If you rule by my side, my son's side, then all the troubles we've caused you will come to an end."

She slammed her head into him and reeled back. "Never. Never in a million years."

Daniil growled and wiped the blood off his nose from where her head hit him. He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him in the eyes. "You've made your choice, little viper. Looks like we're going to be here a while."

He released her and turned off the light then left the room. Surrounded in darkness, her beating heart was the only sound to her ears.


this story is almost over :)

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