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At around nine o'clock that night, the dishes were cleaned and the counters were wiped down thanks to Jamie. Henry was still in little space to comprehend what he was doing but he always said thank you; just like Milo taught him.

Little Henry's eyes were barely managing to keep themselves open and his wrist seemed to slow as he continued coloring.

So, Jamie went to him, picked him up, and placed him on his hip, knowing that he would like it. "Henry, why don't you clean up your books and crayons while Jamie gets you another onesie to wear to bed? Hmm?"

Henry nodded softly, his fists rubbing his eyes. Jamie set him down and turned to get him clothes when he felt his shirt being tugged.

"Can Henny gets the dino, Jama?" His voice was soft and laced with tiredness. Jamie bent down and kissed his little button nose, "I'll see if I can find it for you, love."

He gushed at Henry's flushed cheeks as he walked away and into Henry's room. He found the drawer of onesies and searched for a dinosaur one. There were two: a green onesie with scales on the back and a hoodie, or a pale green one with mini dinosaurs. Jamie took a risk and put the pale green one back, heading back to the living room with the scaled onesie.

Henry had just finished putting away the last of his coloring when he noticed Jamie with the onesie.

"Help Henny?" He asked, pointing to it.

Henry knew he didn't need help putting it on him as he was well into doing things for himself but he just wanted Jamie to take longer so he didn't leave so soon.

"Do you need help?" Henry nodded, looking at the floor and playing with the buttons of the onesie he had on.

"Alright," Jamie pointed to the couch, "Lay down, squirt."

Henry grinned, climbing up the sofa and laying on his back. Jamie hovered him. "Do you want me to close my eyes when it's all off?" Jamie secretly hoped Henry would say no and thankfully, his prayer was answered nicely.

So Jamie unbuttoned the little's onesie and slid it off him and placed it on the floor. He noticed Henry had a diaper on.

Jamie however did nothing of it except ask a silent question of whether Henry needed a change of that also.

Henry shook his head.

As Jamie was buttoning up and pulling the sleeves of the onesie on Henry, he felt little feet playing with his hips. Once Henry was all dressed for bed, Jamie began tickling the little one's feet.

Henry giggled, trying to fight him while gasping for air. "S-Stop! I ah! Can't bweaths!"

Chuckling, Jamie pulled him up and set him back on his hip, and set Henry in his bed. Henry pouted, making Jamie concerned. "What it is, love?" Jamie asked, rubbing Henry's clothed stomach.

"Dont's go!" He cried.

Jamie sighed. He had a feeling this was going to happen and had it not been for the unfortunate truth that each of them had work the next day, Jamie had to decline.

He kissed Henry on the nose, then both his cheeks, his forehead, and lastly his mouth before apologizing.

"Sorry, squirt but both of us have work tomorrow so we have to get up nice and early at our own homes, meaning Jamie's gotta go."

Henry whimpered, shaking his head and begging him not to leave. Jamie then had an idea. He grabbed Henry's phone and went to voice recordings online.

He searched for a certain one while one of his hands still rubbed soothing circles on the sad Henry's chest.

Once he found it, he plugged in the phone from the charger on the desk, raised the volume a bit, and said, "When I leave, someone's going to tell you a bedtime story, and tomorrow, when I come by, I expect to hear that you went to bed at a good time like the good boy I know you are, alright?"

Henry desperately wanted to be good for Jamie. He nodded quickly, earning him another soft kiss on the lips then Jamie said goodnight and pressed play on the phone, and shut the door.

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