Chapter Two

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General Glenstorm returned to his own tent, head hanging.  So much loss already, now the beloved king of Narnia.

“Ah, General! There you are...might I have a word?”

Glenstorm turned to face the young Archenlandian soldier who had waited outside the medical tent with him.

“Yes, Aloysius?”

“There may be a chance we can still save the king’s life.”

Glenstorm arched an eyebrow as Aloysius continued, “I have a homestead across the Winding Arrow River.  My sister, she’s a healer.  I think she can help him.  It wouldn’t take us long to move him, but if we are to give him a chance, we must get him there now.”

“Just across the river?” 

Aloysius nodded his head as the General considered the proposal.

"It's possible he will still die, despite my sister's care, but the king will die if he remains here."

Glenstorm looked up toward the tent where Caspian lay - facing death - then back at Aloysius. "Alright son of Arian, we will take the king to your sister. I shall gather a few of my most trusted men to transport him." With that the general turned to seek out his men.

In only minutes, Glenstorm had assembled an escort to carry Caspian across the river. As a company officer, Aloysius was unable to leave the battle camp, but he gave the escort direct instructions on where to go.  They set off and soon crossed the river.  Otwin accompanied Caspian in the cart, keeping an eye on him.  

“How close is the homestead? I’m not sure we have much time left.”

“Just up ahead!” 

Otwin peeked over the side of the wagon.  Before them sat a humble cottage, a barn and two small outbuildings.  A woman emerged from inside, carrying a lantern with her as she gazed at the oncoming escort.

“Is this the house of Aloysius, son of Arian?” 

“Indeed. I am the sister of my brother alright?”

“Milady we bring before you king Caspian of Narnia. Our physicians are unable to stop his wounds from bleeding. He is dying, miss, but your brother said you may be able to save him.”

Gathering up her skirts, the young woman rushed forward, looking inside the wagon.

“You must bring him in, quickly.” She ordered, leading them inside. She walked ahead of escorts, clearing the way through the cottage. “Lie him on the bed.” She instructed, opening a door to a small bedroom.  “You there, what’s your name?” She looked up and pointed at Otwin.

“My name is Otwin, miss.”

“Otwin, there is a small box on the mantel above the fireplace, bring it in to me.” Otwin did as instructed while the woman lifted Caspian's shirt and began removing the bandages from his body. 

Returning to the room and seeing Caspian's bandages being removed, Otwin rushed forward and protested, “Excuse me, miss if you remove those, he will bleed out and-”

“He will bleed out even if I leave the bandages on, lad.”

An awkward silence settled over the group as the woman continued unwrapping the blood-stained cloths.

“Can you stop the bleeding, miss?” A fawn from the escort asked. 

The woman looked over her shoulder and smiled sweetly, “I believe so, but we must be quick. Otwin take a fresh bandage from that box you hold and put pressure on this wound. I will be right back.” She ran from the room and out the door.  Within a moment, she reappeared carrying a dried yarrow plant.  The woman worked swiftly, grinding the plant to powder then stirring in water, making a thick paste. Once she had finished applying the mixture to Caspian’s oozing wound, she tightly re-bandaged his torso, arms and head.

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