Chapter Twenty-One

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The bright and happy pastels of the sunrise brought little consolation to the grief and darkness that filled the walls of Cair Paravel that morning. Where one would typically find servants quietly bustling about, there was silence. Where once there was laughter, today there were tears. Professor Cornelius was loved dearly by all, and his death rocked the Narnians to their very soul.

The news spread like wildfire for by the time the sun had risen, dozens of people were waiting at the gate, hoping to pay their respects.

Melioralee had spent most of the night in the library, not doing anything in particular. Loss affected her deeply, even when it was someone she barely knew.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear Jasira enter the library.

"Melioralee? Are you alright?"

Sighing, Melioralee rose from the couch and joined Jasira by the fireplace.

"I'm alright. Loss is never easy, doesn't matter who has gone."

"Agreed. That's actually what I'm here's Caspian."

"He hasn't come out of his room yet, has he?"

Jasira shook her head sadly.

"I spoke with Berinius just a few moments ago...he said that his majesty has insisted he be left undisturbed. We are both worried about him. It's not like the king to lock himself away like this. Besides there are dozens of people at the gate, wishing to pay their respects...we can't just let them wait there all day."

"Let's not worry about Caspian for now." Melioralee said with a sigh.

"But Meli-"

"Jasira. I understand the concern for the king's wellbeing, but that can't be our main concern right now. Caspian is grieving, just like the rest of us. We must let him do that in his own way. We only lost the professor last night. After some time, I will go to him."

"And what about the people at the gates?"

"I don't think it wise to bring everyone in so soon..." Melioralee mused. "Nor should we turn them away. Perhaps I, along with Reepicheep, Trufflehunter and Lord Hazriel, can go be with them for a time. Could you possibly fetch the good lord for me? Meet me in the south hall as soon as you find him. I shall go in search of the other two."

Before long all parties were present and accounted for in the hall.

"You called for our help, milady?" Lord Hazriel greeted with a slight bow.

"I did indeed. As I'm sure each of you have heard by now, the king has requested a time of solitude as he grieves the loss of his dear professor. We shall give him that. I have called you because Caspian is not the only one grieving. There is a horde of Narnians at the gate who wish to offer their condolences and pay their respects. I want each of you to help accomplish that. We cannot let them in... that would be too overwhelming. But as I shared with Jasira, neither can we turn them away. So, we are going out to the gate and we will spend as much time with the people as they need. Any questions?"

With a confident round of "no's", Melioralee led the way out of the palace.

They spent hours outside with the Narnians, talking, listening, laughing, even crying. Though the group was tired by the time they returned to the palace, their hearts were uplifted.

"I think we should have a 'celebration of life' gathering in honor of Professor Cornelius." Melioralee stated as the doors closed behind them. "As mournful as this time is, I don't think the professor would want anything different."

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