Chapter Twenty-Two

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"What do you think about having a 'celebration of life' event in honor of Professor Cornelius?" Melioralee asked Caspian, a few days after he had finally returned to his duties.

Caspian's chest rose and fell beneath his burgundy blouse as he took a deep breath, pondering over Melioralee's proposal.

"Professor never did turn down the prospect of a party." Caspian chuckled. "I think that would be a splendid way to honor his memory."

"So, I can begin preparations?"

"Of course."

"Would you like to be part of the planning? You were the closest to him out of all of us."

"Mmm." Caspian hummed thoughtfully. "You know, I think I'd I would rather experience the celebration...if that's alright."

"You're asking me?" Melioralee responded, a hint of surprise in her tone.

"Why wouldn't I ask you? We may not yet be married and you may not yet be queen but that doesn't mean I don't view you as my equal, Melioralee. Your opinion and 'permission' are important to me."

Reaching across the desk, Melioralee intertwined her fingers with Caspian's and gave him a loving smile.

"Thank you for that, Caspian."

Caspian ran his thumb across her knuckles and returned her warm smile with one of his own.

"I love you."

"I love you more." she returned, her eyes sparkling.

"Your majesty!"

"Yes?" Caspian called, looking up.

A young servant entered with a leather letter case in hand and hurried it to Caspian's desk.

"The seal of lord Barion..." Caspian murmured, frown lines appearing on his forehead.

"Lord Barion? I don't remember meeting anyone by that name."

"You wouldn't have...he lives in the Telmarine settlement of Ettinsmoor; only making the journey to Narnia every other year or so."

"Ah, I don't suppose this is about the giants?"

"Let's see..."

Caspian opened the letter case and broke the scroll's seal. The message was relatively short, penned by lord Barion's flowing script.

To his High Majesty, King Caspian:

The scouts' reports have confirmed the giants are indeed amassing a military effort.

We have established an informant within the giants' village who has disclosed to us Ebnus's plans of advancement.

At this time, we have not need for concern, however, approaching the giants with a diplomatic solution would indeed be prudent.

I will be in contact if anything changes.

In service of Narnia,

Lord Barion of Ettinsmoor

"I was afraid of that." Caspian sighed, stroking his barely-there beard.

"What we wouldn't give for just a season without conflict..." Melioralee lamented quietly.

"I know...I'm sorry my dearest. If I could wish this all away I would."

"It's not the hardships that drain me...I just feel we've all been in one war or conflict after another. I know this is part of the process of establishing peace, I just long for us to have it."

•King Caspian: A New Dawn•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें