Author's Note

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Hey friends ♡

It's now been over a year since the last update to this story.

Truth is I lost my way in the writing. The story was no longer telling itself, I was trying to tell the story and not only did that lead to burnout but I just didn't feel connected to the story anymore.

Both myself and the story were gasping for air and that's no way to share something like this.

All that said, the year away has grown me as a writer as I've developed and tried different works.

As of today, King Caspian ~ A New Dawn is considered back in progress. I feel that I am back to a place of letting this story tell itself and rediscovered my heart and connection to it.

All chapters posted from this point forward will be considered "Part Two".

For those of you still here, thank you for loving this story so well and sticking with me!

Much love ♡

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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