Chapter Five

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After Glenstorm and his men disappeared on the horizon, Melioralee retreated back into the cottage to change and ready herself for the day. Caspian remained on the porch, his thoughts returning to the conversation they had shared before the general's visit. The depth and thoughtfulness of Melioralee's perception touched him. She understood him as if she had looked into his very soul; but more than observation, she knew. She knew the pain and longing that robbed him of his joy every day. Knew it as if she was experiencing it herself. Caspian felt truly seen for the first time he could remember.

"I drew a bath for you and set out some fresh clothes." Melioralee announced, startling Caspian. He looked back at her with a confused expression.

"I'm sorry?"

"You've been in those clothes for at least four days now. The clothes I set out for you belong to Aloysius, and though he is shorter and has a wider frame, I believe you will find them functional."

"Thank you." Caspian murmured as she stepped around him and off the porch.

"You're welcome. Everything you should need is on the table. I'll be out in the barn if you should need anything else."

With that Melioralee turned, humming to herself as she walked away. Caspian's eyes followed her movements as she made her way to the barn. The way the wind tossed and played with the long, blonde curls that cascaded down her back. The way she carried herself with such effortless grace and poise. She was a deep, beautiful, captivating mystery to Caspian.

Once she disappeared inside the barn, Caspian turned, reentering the cottage. He spotted the clothes Melioralee had set out for him and gathered them in his arms, sizing them up to see if they would fit. She was right, they weren't the same size as his typical clothes, but they would do.

Out in the barn, Melioralee pulled out a bucket of feed and stepped inside the fence. Her brow furrowed in contemplation as she went over and over the conversation she had shared with Caspian earlier that morning. He was hurting, but she didn't know how to help.

"What am I to do, huh Sybil? The pain in his body I can heal but the pain in his heart...I wish I had the power to heal that. He's a good man...and he deserves better than this." She commented to the milk cow that had walked up to her and nuzzled its wet nose into her arm in search of food.

Quickly feeding the rest of the barnyard animals, Melioralee tugged at the rope around the cow's head, leading the animal into the barn. Once Sybil was tied to the milk post and had a full feed sack fastened around her neck, Melioralee patted the cow's side and took a seat. Daydreams began to take over her mind as she milked away, all her surroundings melting into the images that filled her thoughts.

After a while, Caspian entered the barn to let Melioralee know he was finished with the bath but she was so lost in thought that she didn't hear him come in, call her name or walk up behind her.

"Melioralee?" He placed a hand on her shoulder and asked louder. Melioralee jumped and let out a yelp of surprise. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you!" Caspian apologized.

"Oh no, it's okay, I'm sorry, I just didn't hear you come in...I was lost in another place."

Melioralee ducked her head, hiding the slight flush that was creeping up on her cheeks. Caspian grinned to himself at her uncharacteristically flustered demeanor.

"Did you find Aloysius's clothes to be adequate?"

"Yes. The size is a little different than I am used to, as you mentioned, but they are more than satisfactory, thank you."

"Of course. Oh, I meant to offer earlier...if you would like some quiet and solitude whilst reading the battle report, you are welcome to use the haven."

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