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For the next two days, my entire energy has been directed to the project. Once I came home from the first location, I started a portfolio for each location. I wanted to show all potential to the client. The project also kept me distracted from Dominic. We called each other every night before bed. It was nice to hear his voice after a long day of work.

"How is your project going?" Dominic wondered. He called me around nine right as I climbed into bed.

"It's good. I went to Tuscany and Bologna to scope out the location.

"That's a 4-5 hour drive." He stated, annoyed.

"Rossi has helicopters. Marco was able to book them for us to use."

"I don't like this Marco Bastardo taking my wife around on a helicopter."

"Relax, we are working. Besides, if you need to worry about anyone whisking me off, it's our 55-year-old pilot. He's quite the romantic." I giggled softly.

"Play with me, and the pilot and Marco will be found in the bottom of the ocean."

"How is work?" I changed the subject.

"Stressful. My parents managed to get inside the house today."

"Really? You haven't spoken to your parents since you left?"

"I haven't spoken to them since our engagement party, to be honest. My father is easier to manage, but my mother is another story."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. She got her reassurance. I've made some business moves, so people know I'm back and ready. Things are falling back into place."

"So your back being the mafia monster."

"Only during business hours." Dominic laughed.

"I miss you."

"I miss you."

Dominic let me go to sleep after a few more minutes of talking. I was able to sleep peacefully after hearing Dominic's voice.

I spent the rest of the week back at the office. I saw the Tuscany and Bologna properties, took notes and pictures, and categorized everything into the binders. I gave my final draft of the locations to Mr. Gabbana for final approval. He seemed pleasantly surprised at the extensive work I've done. He told me after handing in the binder to consider a career in real estate.

I didn't receive an answer from Mr. Gabbana until Friday afternoon. He placed the binder back on my desk before I left for lunch. There were a bunch of comments and questions written throughout my binder. The major note the clients had for me was that they wanted a Tuscany location. Mr. Gabbana also left the name of the couple requesting our help; The Romano's. Before scanning through the extensive notes left for me, I went on the computer to google anything I can on the Romano's. I found one couple who was successful enough to afford Mr. Gabbana's services; Rosanna and Luca Romero. They are fairly young, mid thirties; married doctors who own private practices all over Europe. Their wedding made headlines and since then they've lived very private lives. Only pictures of them online are at gala's or across the world working in third world countries. What a beautiful family!

I scanned through all the notes and made sure to jot down anything of importance. The Romero's requested the location of Tuscany. There were empty lands and they're meeting with an architect in a few weeks to start drawing out plans. All they wanted now is for me to go scope out more locations to see which one is the best for their lifestyle. Mrs. Romero wants something that isn't to far from town so she can drive in, a large space for future family, open fields for their kids, enough structural space for a large 3 bedroom guest house and another 4 bedroom guest house for their staff. Mr. Romero requested more seclusion, even if it means buying more land around the property. He wants no neighbors around for miles. The first location I sent is definitely possible for them but I decided to go back to Tuscany to scope out more locations.

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